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Here are the rules for this years "7 Fish Challenge."
This is the first year that we have held this contest so I ask for everyone to be patient and we will work through any unforseen problems as they come up.
Thanks Windriver
1. There will be a $10 entree fee (That should give us around $200 for prize money). First 20 people to get their entry fee to Windriver get in.
2. Must be a registered member of BFT to enter.
3. Points will be awarded by the nearest half inch.
4. Must have a picture with the fish on the ground next to the tape, the BFT logo with the year 2010-2011 and you. (You may use a picture of yourself on the ground next to the fish as their isn't always someone to help take the picture.) Pictures of fish in the air next to a tape will not count for points. All pictures must be taken at the lake.
5. Points will be awarded for up to 7 fish.
The 7 fish must be made up of a combination of …
1 panfish (perch, crappie, or bluegill/sunfish)
5 different game fish (Rainbow trout, Cutthroat trout/CuttBow, Brown trout, Brook trout, Splake, Kokanee, Walleye, Large Mouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass,)
1 non-game fish (sucker, chub, pike minnow, shiner)
6. Cuttbows will be classified as a Cutthroat.
7. Pike, Tiger Muskie, Lake Trout, and Carp will be excluded from the 7 fish contest, but will be eligible for the longest over all fish trophy.
8. Idaho public waters only. Reciprocal lakes count as Idaho waters.
9. You must post your own fish for it to get credit. Please post your photos in JPEG format.
10. Posts must include type of fish, date caught, name of lake, and length of fish.
11. If you catch say a larger Perch but have one posted already no problem. Post the new perch and your points will be adjusted. You don't get both but the larger one will be the one counted.
Please check your pictures on the lake of the fish if you can. If it moved and doesn't show the full length of the fish I'm sorry but I go with what shows up in the picture. Points are based on the photos. No limit on size of photos this year but please don't abuse this.
12. Awards will consist of two trophies. One will go to the winner of the “BFT Idaho 7 Fish Challenge.” The second trophy will go to the person who catches the longest fish. Pike, Tiger Muskie, Lake Trout, and Carp are excluded from the “7 Fish Challenge.” However, they are eligible for the longest fish trophy.
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I made one small change to the rules. I added the word "public" to the Idaho waters only rule. I just started to think about it and thought that someone might have access to a private pond. So Idaho Public Waters only if that is ok, with everyone.
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Sounds only fair . We don't want to loose to a farm raised fish . Curt G.
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I recieved your money, along with Michaels, and Jimpetes.
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So I am not sure if I understand this correctly. If I submit 1 perch and 5 rainbows, do I get points for 6 fish, or do I get points for 2 fish. I think I only get points for 1 fish from each species. Is that correct? So to get the most points possible, I have to get at least 1 perch, 1 trash fish, and at least 5 different fish species. Right?
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If you submitted a perch and five rainbows then you would get points for two fish.
It sounds like you understand it. You get 1 perch, 1 trash fish and five other different species. If you submit one and then catch another one of the same species then the old one will be disregarded.
Does that clarify things?
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YIKES! That makes it a lot harder. I thought I could submit 1 perch, 1 trash, and 5 rainbows. I've got my work cut out for me.
I'd definitely better make it to Henry's (assuming it ices) before the end of the month. That should knock out 2 right there (Brookie and Cutthroat). That'd help. Brookies and Cuts can be hard to come by on this half of the state.
I should be able to come up with rainbows, browns, a salmon or two (wtih luck) from this side of the state. With some luck I might even be able to get over to Salmon Falls and pull up a Walleye. Haven't caught a bass through the ice yet so I don't have a lot of hope for that.
Pray for cold weather.[  ]
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I think the challenge of the different species is what will make this fun.
If Henrys doesnt freeze it is going to make us all scramble for a new plan on brookies.
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I catch a few every year at Mackay . I will be at Henry's on the last day . It is my only day off that week . If its not safe , I will fish Island Park open water . Curt G.
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do frozen rivers count as a fishable body of water? i think some of the local beaver ponds are about the only areas i can think to catch some brookies other than henrys
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Couple of questions on the rules.
First, can I log more than one species of panfish, should I get more than one?
Second, FNF1996 and I lost several pictures due to a camera issue and now we cannot post a picture of one of our species. I likely won't be able to catch another of that species due to the fact that there aren't many around here. If another member of the forum who is competing in the competition can vouch for the fish and it's length, can it be counted? For instance, I caught a Brookie at Henry's that was around 18 inches. Had a picture, but it's gone. If FNF1996, who was there with me, vouches for the fish, could I still get credit. I'd be happy to get credit for 15 or 16 inches even though I know it was 18ish if that could somehow be allowed. Without, I don't know if I can get the 7 species. It is going to be hard anyway.
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As far as the panfish are concerned you will only score one panfish...For example if you catch a 9inch bluegill the bluegill will count until you catch something bigger. Lets say the next week you catch a 12" perch then you could replace the bluegill with the perch.
As far as the lost pictures are concerned. I feel for you. You drove a long way to catch a big brookie, and I know things like this happen. I have lost many good pictures due to my ineptitude on the computer.
My thoughts are that I trust you and it certainly is a reasonable size brookie for Henrys. I caught at least 5 around that size in my time on the ice. I trust you but I don't want to damage the contest by having all the other contestants mad at me.
I am going to give the other contestants until Sunday morning to PM me their opinion.
They can vote one of two ways. They can say rules are rules and we need to stick to them to keep the integrity of the online contest...
Or they can say this is a friendly contest among a small group of online friends and we should let you have it this time.
I would have a poll but this should be a decision that is made among the members.
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My vote is let it count 17" or 18 " we seen there other fish we know they were there . This is a friendly contest . Curt G.
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I have a question , say I have seven different species or one entry in every category. and someone else only has four but they add up to 2" more in total length . I think there should be some points for catching all required species . What does everyone else think . Curt G.
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Sounds like a good idea. I really think that if only one person caught all seven species and everyone else caught only 6 that the one with 7 would win anyway. I believe this thing will be won by mere fractions of an inch anyway.
Thanks for your support on the lost pictures. I appreciate it, no matter how it turns out. You probably saw the picture of the 21" brookie my son caught. I could have easily cheated and said that I caught it. Even considered it for about .2 seconds, but that's just not me. It's all in fun anyway. No personal gain where the money goes to charity. I really like that part of it.
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I dont have a problem letting it count cause i was there with him on the lake that day. I saw the fish he caught and he saw the fish i caught. And trust me he saw alot more caught by me. Sorry uncle had to get that last jab in. lol! In all seriousness i had pictures lost from that trip as well and a brookie being one of them. So i say go for it cause i was able to witness it first hand!
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Touche`. Just remember, what goes around, comes around. I'm pretty sure that's why you had to get that jab in there. I thought I was kicking your hinnie the first day. It was the second day I got taught what I hinnie kicking was.[:p].
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This is all just for fun . I like to believe there is no one in the contest that would cheat . Windriver could have , he could have entered his sons fish but he didn't . Texan 64 caught bigger fish the day we fished together and I could have cheated and used them I didn't . What would anyone gain . IT'S ALL FOR FUN , Lets have Some . Curt G.