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Oregon Fishing Update
Oregon Fishing Update <br><br><br>November 16th - November 22nd, 2001<br><br>Fisheries update: Sturgeon fishing remains impressive for gorge anglers. Oversize and keeper size fish are available. The middle river is certainly capable to booting out keepers as well however, the better bet is upriver. <br><br>All our northern rivers are seeing significant rises right now so the Clackamas and Sandy will be out for a while. Some wild coho and the first batch of hatchery steelhead will be due in when the flows drop. <br><br>Northern coastal rivers have long awaited the stages we are witnessing now. All rivers should produce good results when they drop back into shape. Do not let the darker river colors detour you from making a trip but the smaller tributaries like the Necanicum, North Fork and Kilchis will fish first and maybe as early as Saturday depending on how much rain we get on 11/15. <br><br>The Siletz will likely see it's last hurrah when the flows drop but this is another good bet. The Umpqua has been best for coho but some winter steelhead will likely show soon. <br><br>The Elk and Sixes will start to see their first good returns of chinook depending on the rainfall amounts down south. They are not as significant as what we experienced north. <br><br>While fishing has been spectacular for bright summer steelhead on the North Fork Santiam River, the recent deluge may put an end to it. We'll let you know. Look for winter steelhead on the Clackamas and Sandy Rivers as they drop and clear. <br><br>Deschutes anglers report that steelhead are still available below Warm Springs. Steelhead are available in the John Day Arm. <br><br>Razor claming should be good over the weekend, but beach goers are warned to be cautious, as a load of 12,000 logs was lost offshore. No trout are scheduled to be planted. <br><br>Soapbox update: Another chance to voice your opinions on how the spring chinook fishery should be conducted on the Columbia. Hit the ODF&W commissioners meeting in Portland on Friday if you want to have a say. Check the ODF&W web site for directions and times!<br> <br><br>Have this e-mailed to you weekly!<br><br><br>Get more Oregon fishing information at<br>

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