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Alcohol Use at 4-H Sponsored Events
[font "Tahoma"][size 2]Alcohol Use at 4-H Sponsored Events

[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Hello Everyone, the attached information was sent to counties in 2006. Based on recent calls that have come to the State 4-H Office, we have decided to resend this letter. A hard copy is also being placed in county mail in case you need to share this information with some of your committees. Thank you for making sure this policy is followed by all of the volunteers and groups conducting programs under the umbrella of 4-H! [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]June 12, 2008[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]TO: Persons Responsible for 4-H Youth Development Programs[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]FROM: Cheri Booth, Associate Director, CYFC[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2] Julie Chapin, Coordinator, Michigan 4-H Youth Development[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]RE: Alcohol at 4-H Sponsored Events [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Summer will soon be upon us and the season for shows, clinics and camps has begun. During the past few weeks, we have received several emails from counties looking for direction related to dealing with individuals consuming alcohol during 4-H sponsored events. Many times these situations involve parents who are drinking around the arena while their child is participating in a program, parents who may have an alcoholic beverage with a homeowner while the 4-H club meeting or workout is going on, or individuals who are attending open shows, sponsored by a 4-H club, who are drinking at their trailers while the show is going on.[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]I want to remind everyone that there is NO Alcohol permitted at any 4-H sponsored events. This includes animal shows sponsored by 4-H clubs that may be open to non-4-H members, camps, workout where parents are observing and/or public clinics that may be sponsored by 4-H groups as fundraisers. [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]These are all 4-H sponsored events and even though the participants may not be 4-H members or volunteers we cannot permit alcohol on the premises. In the case of fairs, the policy of the fair board, regarding alcohol use on the fairgrounds would apply. However, during 4-H activities at the fair, alcohol should not be consumed by anyone participating in or attending the event. Please be sure and discuss this policy with your volunteers and any clubs or groups that will be hosting events this summer. It is also important to include the “No Alcohol Allowed on Premise” policy in any show bills or fliers that your groups distribute so potential participants know about the policy prior to arrival at the event site. [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]It is my hope that it will not be a problem for those attending the shows, clinics, meetings, workouts and camps to respect this rule. If event participants (adults or youth) are not following the “No Alcohol” rule, it is the responsibility of the group hosting the event to enforce the policy, just as they would enforce any other rules related to the event. Attendees would either need to leave the event or stop the unacceptable behavior. [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Michigan[/size][/font][size 2] State University[/size][size 2] liability coverage will not be in place for groups who do not comply with this policy. Please call my office with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your assistance in dealing with this issue. [/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]cc. MSUE Administrative Team [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 2]County[/size][/font][size 2] Extension[/size][size 2] Directors[/size]
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[font "Arial"][size 2] [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Julie A. Chapin, Ph.D., Senior Program Leader[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Children, Youth, Families and Communities[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Coordinator, Michigan 4-H Youth Development[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]160 Agriculture Hall[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Michigan[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2] State University[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]E. Lansing[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2], MI 48824[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Telephone: 517-432-7608[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]FAX: 517-355-6748[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]EMAIL:[/size][/font]

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