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Carp Festival and Fishing Contest
It's this coming Saturday! June 21st. Hurry up and sign up for the contest if you want to save a few dollars and get a free t-shirt to boot!

There's supposed to be a variety of prizes ranging from a new(?) fishing boat to a used mini-van with a carp emblem on the side (not sure if it's a magnet or actually painted on).

I don't have the money to enter the contest but I'll probably be wandering around with a camera.

I'd love to see some of you guys and gals there! It's this coming Saturday at Coon Rapids Dam in Coon Rapids, MN.

For more information, go to:
[Wink] Sounds like a good time , but I can't make it Saturday, I'm fishing a tourny on Big Swan Lake , take some good pictures fo us to see !!!!

if you dont have the cash to enter the contest, you may try being a volunteer. many times you get a free T-shirt out of the deal...

this sounds like a contest I could win with a fly rod... lol
That's a good idea. But I'm not too crazy about the t-shirt. I need to get me one of them snazzy BFT t-shirts like I see you wearing all the time.

I will be at the Carp Festival taking pictures. Gonna grab my gal's digital camera and set it on the lowest quality setting so I can take more than 20 pictures.

I'll post the best on here... hoping to get pics fo the winning fish.

LOL, knowing your luck, you'd win the contest with your fly rod. The carp are swimming near the surface, gobbling up insects and other stuff floating around.

From what I understand, last years "largest carp" winner used a nightcrawler dipped in strawberry jam. Interesting concept.
[Smile][Smile] How did it go Rat ?
Smallest crowd in history is what I heard.

I'll have pictures of everything hopefully by the end of the week. It was a good time to be had though! I've never seen so many people congregated on the shore trying to catch just one kind of fish.

They had childrens games which proved to be the next biggest crowd drawer. They also had live bands and an educational puppet show on-stage.

The Three Rivers Park District was there talking about watersheds and pollution and how you can help cut back on the pollution that goes into our waters. I spent most of my day wandering around and talking to this gentleman from the Anoka Historical Society passing out a sheet of paper with a brief summary of the history of Coon Rapids Dam.

The "Carp Cops" (weigh-in officials) were a great group to talk to. They also had employees from Underwater Adventures there (they had a tank there for holding the winning fish for display). They took a couple of the winners to their facility to put in their tanks for people to see. One person caught a bowfin and they took that too!

The largest fish, adult category, won an aluminum boat, motor, and trailer. The winner snuck in and won by just a few ounces within the last 30 minutes of the seven hour event. He was someone from Illinois.

The largest fish of the day was actually brought in by a kid that looked to be around 11 yrs old. He couldn't even carry the fish to the weigh station. Someone else carried it for him. It was over 19 lbs!

The weather was beautiful. Couldn't get any better. Sun was shining, nice cool breeze, not a cloud in the sky.

Like I said, more information is coming, including pictures!
[Wink] thanks for the information Rat, sounds like a good time by all ! Maybe next year , we could get a BFT team together and fish that contest , sounds like fun !!

Well, got pictures developed. Couldn't find my girlfriend's digital camera cuz her kid stole it and hid it somewhere. Made me late in gettin' to the festival. Grrr.

Anyway, soon as I can find a scanner and can put the pics on disk (didn't think about asking for them to put on disk when I had them developed), I'll post them up along with the offical results/winners list.
Sorry I have no pics yet. The scanner doesn't want to work with Windows XP [mad], no matter what I try. Time for a new scanner! I'll hafta find the official results and get them typed up in here.
Sorry guys! No pics for this year. Next year I'll have a digital camera with me. The original pictures are torn up and I can't seem to find the winners list.
now that you have your new windows xp loaded, delete and reload your scanner program. is should work then.
Been there, done that. It's WinXP's safety protocol which I can't seem to figure out how to override. Because the driver hasn't been officially accepted as safe for WinXP, it won't let me use it.
there should be a sercive number you can call on the xp box/manual somewhere. these guys are open 24/7
Hehe. Wouldn't do me much good. No manuals came with my puter. Besides, as I stated a couple messages ago, the pictures aren't good any more. The gal's kid got ahold of them.... [mad]
demand retrobution,

make them play dress up in fisherman cloths and the other like a fish[crazy] then make them pose for the pictures....[sly]
Guess what! I was cleaning my apartment (I was looking for a receipt for a car part... I had to clean) and I came across duplicate pics from the Carp Festival! I also found the results!

So, here's the results:

Adult Heaviest Fish:

1st Place: 18.72 lbs
Brought in during the last 2 minutes of the contest.

2nd Place: 18.65 lbs

3rd Place: 18.24 lbs

4th Place: 15.22 lbs

5th Place: 15.21 lbs

Adult Lightest Fish

1st Place: 3.13 lbs

2nd Place: 3.32 lbs

3rd Place: 3.43 lbs

4th Place: 4.69 lbs

5th Place: 4.85 lbs
Child Heaviest Fish

1st Place: 19.31 lbs
This was caught by a 12 yr old. Imagine the struggle he

2nd Place: 13.48 lbs

3rd Place: 12.46 lbs

4th Place: 12.22 lbs

5th Place: 12.02 lbs
Child Lightest Fish

1st Place: 3.13 lbs
Same weight as adult lightest fist.

2nd Place: 3.21 lbs

3rd Place: 3.31 lbs

4th Place: 4.12 lbs

5th Place: 4.55 lbs

As you can see... competition was close! A lot of the winners were brought in during the last 30 minutes!

Instead of scanning the pics, I'm going to take pics of the pics with a digital camera and hope they come out. I'll have them posted soon!
Here's the first picture (click on attachment below).

This was probably the funnest and most educational area of the festival. They had fun, yet challenging games for the younguns! And they had a booth that talked about The Watershed and what we can do to help improve the water quality.
deffinatly looks like a colorfull day.

cant go wrong with balloons[Wink]

those are some prety decent size carp!!! thanks for the feedback[Smile]
Save up your pennies so you can show everybody up next year! The pressure is tough on these fish because so many are lining the banks (you'll see the pics hopefully next weekend). But I noticed something the day before the competition... a lot of them were surface feeding. I gotta learn how to fly fish so I can catch the bigguns that way next year!

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