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Shetucket river
[size 2]a buddy of mine went to baltic on tuesday,which was the last day for the salmon.when he got the,he missed the stocking after bsing with a few guys,he got his gear and started fishing,a few min after,he heard a truck backing in,it was the stocking truck again.
he knew the driver,and got some inside info.they placed over 4,000 trout in the shetucket,from marrimac brook,to the ballfields in baltic.trout unlimited,help float stock.they also cut the third stocking,so now there will be only 2..
the fish he saw going in were breeders,a good 20 inches,he said[/size]
Have they stocked it before? Usaully you can't fish in waters they stock for trout. Sounds like some nice size too. Isn't that one of your opening day spots?
its a trophy trout river,this is an exception,you can fish for salmon until march 31.i usually hit it after openning day,but this year i an going on sun.

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