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thinking of going to newton on thursday after noon
[size 4]I'm thinking of going up about noon or 100 to give it a try. Has anyone been by to see how it looks?Is it still murky?most years I've been up fishing and camping by now and hook a few muskie and lots of crappies by now.first time of the year up there.any help from you guys up there in gods land will be helpfull. also anyone getting in the glendale torn on the 17?thinking I might if I can talk my bud with the bassboat to take off work to go.[/size]
Norman,I have herd that the water is barely to the bottom of the ramp and have not herd if it is still merky or not??"BIG FISH RULE"M.H.
I have read on a few other websites that the fishing is really poor and the water level is barely up to the boat ramp.
Do you have any idea of the size of the tiger muskies that are now coming out of Newton??? What year did they start putting the tigers in there?
last year I got 4 muskie from newton the bigest was 45 the smallest was35. I don't know when the started to put them in up there, but the ones that are still there are getting big.not many left two years ago when the water was low,dwr caught some guys shotting them with an 30-06 from shore.dont know how many they got, also with the water low put more on the lines of shore fisherman and they hooked a lot. one weekend that I was there I saw 10 muskies caught, and only 3 put back.and one of them died. not to say not to go up there after them it's a great place to fish, its my top spot.

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