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A new look at cj strike wildlife management area
Anyone of the thousands of frequent visitors to CJ Strike Wildlife Management Area or CJ Strike Reservoir may have noticed some changes in the area and wondered what's going on.

Back in 1953, the CJ Strike Wildlife Management Area was established in concert with the construction of CJ Strike Dam and the resulting reservoir on the Snake River.

In the 50 years since, wildlife management area lands owned by Idaho Power Company and Idaho Fish and Game were managed by Fish and Game, under a management plan that emphasized wildlife needs and public recreation. Adoption of this plan was just one of many requirements met by Idaho Power to maintain its license to operate a dam and produce electricity for sale. Since then, Fish and Game and Idaho Power have enjoyed a decades-long cooperative relationship.

Fifty years later, things have changed, but only a bit.

In 2005, Idaho Power assumed management control of about 3,000 acres it owns within the 13,508-acre CJ Strike WMA to meet specific terms of its renewed federal operating license. What this change means to the recreational user is that some of the most popular areas of the WMA will now be operated and managed by Idaho Power, with the same established goals for the WMA developed over the years in cooperation with Fish and Game.

Specific changes slated for the next few years are improvements at Jacks Creek Access, Loveridge Bridge Boat Launch Access, Cottonwood Park, and the area around the Jacks Creek West Access, which will include a new field office and parking areas. All of these areas are owned by Idaho Power. And some changes have already taken place.

Management changes, such as these, inevitably lead to different company-agency contacts, and that's the case for CJ Strike WMA. For questions about fishing, trapping, pheasant releases or anything pertaining to wildlife or Fish and Game-posted access areas, contact the Fish and Game WMA office at 208-845-2324. For questions about the Idaho Power-owned access areas mentioned earlier in this story, farming on the WMA, dam operations, or development plans, please call the Idaho Power WMA field office at 208-845-2055.

For emergencies, including auto, ATV or boat use, unsafe conditions, criminal activity or lost people, contact the Owyhee or Elmore County Sheriff. The Bureau of Land Management continues to operate the Cove Recreation Site and handles all fire-related questions.

If in doubt, please call the Fish and Game WMA office.

Robin Holmquist is regional habitat biologist at the CJ Strike WMA in the Southwest Region.

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