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[Sad]I don't know where to go on Wednesday to fish! I only have about 3 hours including travel time! Everything good is closed[mad][pirate][Sad]! Where should I go[Sad]? HELP! HELP[crazy][unsure]! Just for reference, I live in Hurricane. Anybody know any good trout places? I would try Minersville, but if I don't do any good and I have to travel that far, it would really not be worth it. I know it's short notice, but anyone? (note air of desparation)[unsure][crazy][Sad][pirate]

All that's left is half-ice fishing.[unimpressed]
One of my buddies was at Gunlock 2 weeks ago and said it wasn't to bad fishing, he said the crappie was alittle lathargic but caught enough to keep him interested.
3 hrs is real tough! youre gonna spend an hour going to and from almost anywhere . . .thats 2 hrs! oh boy . . you can get to quail creek in 15 minutes . . .but i dont know about shore fishing there . . gunlock sounded like a good idea, maybe baker ? its 1 hr min. to minersville from where you are . . if not 1-1/2, that leaves no time to fish!

Sorry I didn't clarify quite as much as I should have. I have three hours until sundown, so technically I have extra time travelling.

If it helps?
well then id go to minersville, cast some small spinners and spoons, and use a casting bubble and some flies near and after sundown, if theyre rising, or maybe if theyre not . . .maybe an all purpose fly like a wooly bugger . .

thats what ill be trying friday night or sat there . .


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