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Casting aid video
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]For the newbees and seasoned FF as well.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
[Smile]Good movie Dry Rod.
I'm at the Daughters PC. She lives close to Humanity so we get DSL here (something or other) and I can download those movies.
6Meg on Dial up is about two hours.

I was taught, and I still do it this way, to keep that Thumb off the Rod.
Dawn Holbrook taught me that the Thumb up there caused an accelerated 'top to the front' movement of the rod tip as you go from the back cast to the front.
In the end, that Thumb causes the Rod tip to go forward, lower, than it would be normally, which brings the line down into the path of the leader, (which may not be all the way behind the fisherman)and the impact causes a wind knot. say that if the fly caster's doing it correctly, he's been patient, and the leader is already way back in the trees, the line is straightend out, and that thumb up on the handle adds a measure of power to that forward cast. (which is what I said to Holbrook)

He replied "that thumb is still driving the tip of the rod downwards as your arm goes forwards. When the tip should be going forward at a level attitude until the arm has spent its power and the tip heads downwards to settle the line onto the water." (as near as I can recall 40 odd years later)

I'm sure I'm not the onlyone that casts sideways as a method of fishing in the wind. To aim the fly under some brush. And keep the fly from tangeling in something over my head.

Keep the Elbow in he always said.
Well...I'm not sure I've been able to hold to that one, but it is good advice.

I thought it was kinda neat to be able to watch a movie on the PC.
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][cool]Hey there Thudpucker - the video program is a new feature that the BFT just added. Neat huh?[/green][/font][/center]
Yup, it's neat. Now that I'm at a PC that can make use of the feature.
This internet is truly an amazing thing.
Hi, I just started a fly fishing class and I was so excited to find this video. I am going outside to practice right now. Thanks for posting it!!!
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there Aphrodytie and welcome to our forum & the BFT. Nice to have someone new this great activity show such enthusiasm. Just like most of us who just purchased a new rod. Got to go like right now to wet a line. Good luck and tell us how you are making out. We[/size][/green][/font] [font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]have a few pros working this site that will be most willing to answer your questions. [/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]Are you really the Greek goddess of Love? LOL
Hi, I am off to another class right now. I really need them, to be honest, I am soooo clueless. And YES I really am the greek goddess of love. lol
[black][size 3]Welcome, Aphrodytie. Love it, you guys are getting swarmed with Goddeesseseseseses[laugh][/size][/black]
[left][green][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][cool][green]That's cool FGD. Just what macfly55 needed, another lady to fun with. Not to worry [/green][green]Aphrodytie he's harmless. [Wink] By the way Aphrodytie where do you like to fish and for what species? [/green][/size][/font][/green][/left]
[left][green][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][cool][green]That's cool FGD. Just what macfly55 needed, another lady to fun with. Not to worry [/green][green]Aphrodytie he's harmless. [Wink] By the way Aphrodytie where do you like to fish and for what species? . [/green][/size][/font][/green][/left] [/reply]

Hey...r I resemble that remark..[laugh].... but there will always be only one FLY GODDESS....

welcome Aphrodite... you are now among a group of very good people...dont be afraid to ask questions.. someone here always has an answer.. maybe not the right one.. but at least it is an answer... [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
Welcome Aphrodytie. We are glad to have you here. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have. In one way or another, we all learn from each other.[cool]
Hi, I just started fishing in Sept. I have been rod and reel fishing up until now for Bass and trout. I even went ice fishing on Bear Lake and caught my limit of cisco. That was a blast. I just stopped one day at a fly fishing shop here in Logan, Utah called Round Rocks Fly Fishing and was immediately hooked as the Logan River is right behind it and they took me out and showed me the beautiful trout right there!!! I bought all the gear and signed up for the class. Haven't been fly fishing yet, but have a trip scheduled the first Wed. of April. I can't wait!
Thanks for the Welcomes everyone!
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hi there Aphrodytie and thank you for the update. Have passed through Logan several times on my why up to Wy. Lot of nice looking waters along the way. I could hear my gear crying to get out of the trunk to wet a line. Oh well maybe one of these days.[/size][/green][/font]
Cool update.. Id say dont wait for the trip.. go out and put into action what you have learned so far.. bet ya catch a fish or two.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Hi, its just that I am such a VIRGIN. I don't mind going out and making a fool out of myself with a whole class full of fools, but by myself....Also, I have been laid up all week with pneumonia. So, I will probably wait for the trip....
we all understand the not feeling well part... for me.. I quit worrying about making a fool of myself.. done beat myself up so much with my old rod.. hooked myself.. stepped on flies and line.. stepped on my glasses.. pulled a thigh muscle and still .. with the exception of a few bluegill last summer.. have not caught a fish.. but.. one day.. I will and the whole world will know about it.. [laugh]

hope you get better soon.. there is no substitute for being outdoors enjoying the weather and relaxing while the fish are under water laughing their gills off at you.. [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
[black][size 3]I don't know who the dude in the video is, but I will bet that with that back cast, he has not spent much time fishing a river.[/size][/black]
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[size 3]Looks like a boat fisherman to me, where that lengthy back cast would have him chasing flies out of the trees.[/size]
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[size 3]good intitive foot work, can you practice foot work like that from a tube or toon?[/size]
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[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there Saberfish - the gentleman in the video is Mark Sosin. This is a clip from his web site. [/size][/green][/font] [url ""][Image: swj_logo.gif][/url]

[Image: mark_sosin_w_snook.jpg]Welcome to the official website for Mark Sosin's Saltwater Journal, America's longest running television show featuring marine gamefishing. This year we are proud to be running year round. The show runs nationally on [url ""]The Outdoor Channel[/url] and on the [url ""]Sunshine Network[/url] in Florida.
The features of this site include detailed information on Mark's favorite guides [url ""]The All Mark Team.[/url] You can also find links to some of our great [url ""]Locations[/url] and don't forget to visit our [url ""]Sponsor[/url] page. They help make it all possible.
You can enjoy reading our popular [url ""]Features[/url], learn some of Mark's favorite [url ""]Fishing Tips[/url] or check out the Ask Mark [url ""]Message Board[/url]. Mark will answer as many questions as he can, as long as he's not out fishing. If you're looking for that special gift, a hat like Mark's, one of our latest videos or CD's, or products you see on the show, it's all there in [url ""]Mark's Store[/url].
So, visit us often! We look forward to welcoming you aboard. The Mark Sosin's Saltwater Journal website is a free service to anglers around the world.
Copyright 1998 - 2006 Mark Sosin's Saltwater Journal
All rights reserved.
[black][size 3]Yup, just as I thought, A boat fisherman.[/size][/black]
Thanks for the video! I am trying out fly fishing and I am so new.

I got hooked on trout fishing and have been 4 times so far but with reel and I really want to learn how to cast a fly rod. I am so bad it is not even funny. I have tired three different times fishing and I am just so bad.

This video has shown me three great tips that I will see if I can figure out the art to fly fishing.

Thanks again!

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