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[cool]Congratulations, EmuScud, a new registered member since Feb. 10, and a recent contributor on our thread on steelhead fishing from a tube. Last night he landed a 21" baby boy, that weighed 10# 4 oz...with a little help from his wife, of course.

No catch and release here. He's definitely a keeper. Mom and child are both doing well, in spite of a couple of "wind knots" in the umbilical cord. Emu says that the boy is already picking up his bad casting habits.

Congratulations, and we look forward to your future contributions on our forum.

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage0962779.jpg]

Hey there TubeDude,

TubeDude, how did EmuScud fit two adults in a single floattube? On the other hand, they did get a little angel.

Congrats on the male, 21"er.

[cool] JapanRon, you are just full of personal questions. Kinda clinical too. But then again, howya gonna learn ifn ya don't ask?

Just soya know, I have been a regular echatter with Nate (Mr. Scud) for quite awhile. He is a reformed troutaholic, seriously trying to expand his fly flinging horizons to include different non-trout species. I have offered a few bits of advice and shared some fly patterns back and forth. He really is a craftsman at the bench. He has come up with some really creative warm water patterns. So far, with the limitations on time and available waters, he has not had the opportunity to test much of his newly acquired knowledge.

Like many of us who enjoy waving the long rod, we find most of the flyfishing sites populated by purists and troutophiles. It can be frustrating trying to find good first-hand info on bassin' and other fly fishing potential. Anyone got any favorite flyfishing websites or chatrooms that allow nontrouters to drop in?

Hey there TubeDude,

That's an interesting topic! Presently, I'm familiar with a number of saltwater fly websites. I have 3 or 4 boxes of saltwater flies I've collected and used during the last few years in both salt and fresh. I've caught bass on some of them. Fact is, the one's I caught bass on kinda resembled a Scud but with beady relation to Mr.Scud, of course.

Anyway, I'm gonna search around and pass along what I've found on this warm-water fly, popper,bug business. I might find some new resources.

Does Mr.Scud fish saltwater too? If so, I'll pass some I know along to add to the pot.

[cool]Thanks for the input, JR. Nate is finishing up some advanced degree work in the Provo, Utah area. Only saltwater in the vacinity is Salt Lake. Takes a pretty small pattern to get into the brine shrimp there. I'm sure he would love to move his magic wand over some of the beasties you and I know and love. Probably have to have the Smile surgically removed from his kisser.

Hey, Bro. I tie some pretty mean flies myself. Let me know if there are any special kind of creations you would like to try and we can collaborate on some new patterns. I make some mean shad parterns that I'm sure would hammer So. Cal's fishies. And, I used to make lots of shrimp imitations that got me lots of big perch and corbina in the suds.

I take my 9 weight to the Sea of Cortez for those toothy nasties down there too. I don't think pattern is all too important when they are feeding. Anything with some white in it will get bit. Green and yellow, black and white, blue and white, red and white and all white with a red head are some of the better offerings.

I even make a velcro-bodied fly, for playing with the needlefish. They have long beaks full of teeth and are difficult to hook. But, when they chomp down on a body by velcro, their teeth get hung up. You can at least get a couple of high jumps out of them and sometimes bring them all the way to the tube. However, they are like arrows with teeth, so you don't want them too close to your inflatable.
[Smile]Congrats [size 1]EmuScud! [/size]

That is one big healthy baby!! My son was 10lbs 5oz. and was 21 1/2" long.
[cool]C'mon guys, let's not get into big baby stories. This is a fishing forum. Yeah, I started it. Okay.

Heck, I only weighed five pounds fifteen ounces when I was born. Now I'm 6'3" and I weigh two hundred and plenty pounds. If those boys of Emu and Kiyo grow proportionatly, I'd be willing to invest in their feed bill for a cut of the signing bonus with a pro basketball or football team.

Hey there TubeDude,

Thank you for the kind offer on exchanging fly info, etc. I'll take advantage of it but.....I got this itsy bitsy feeling that you're light-years beyond my tying skills and experience/knowledge level. I know now I gotta be careful and tipy-toe around a bit on offering my advice. Some (not you of course) would feel affronted or at best beamused with some of the stuff I come up with. ha ha

I found a bunch of warmwater species fly websites that are very interesting. I'm figuring out how to cut and paste
addresses done in a Word document into the area I am now composing a post on this message board.

Please check out these addresses when I get it right and let me know if you've some interesting additions.

On the brine shrimp... I couldn't believe that one site had a microscope shot of a Yuk that would later turn into a advanced larve stage which would then be tied as a fly to catch Bluegill!!


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