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wiper boils 8/30/06
we had our limits for 4 people in about 40 mins. In all we must have got like 45 to 50 fish from 400 to the wind picking up just before sunset. at one point I could not fish because neting fish and unhooking my wifes pole. lots of fun better the sunday. here are some pics. oh we gave on fish away to some guy that never had wiper before thats why only 23 fish. All fish but 1 came from my new loose moose lure.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=18261;]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=18263;]
[cool]Nice report, moose, and welcome back to the site! Haven't seen you around much in a long time. Question. Do you still have a website for your lures??? If so, what's the addy. I wanna see what that new lure of yours looks like...
no website right now but it is being worked on and should be up next week. I'll post a pic of the lure tomarrow. nothing like it being sold here in this state as of yet "just mine"
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Thanks for that great report! Looks like you have the wiper lure that everybody is going to be looking for now. Awesome work, and nice pics![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Hey norm did you leave any wipers for the rest of us? Great pics.So what does your" loose moose" look like?
we were supposed to leave any?

And I keep telling Moose, it isn't his lures that puts us fish in the boat, but it is his purple shirt blinding the fish.

And when I finish his website it will be a link off of mine and Moose's site Along with a link to our bass club we are starting. It is going to take me another week or so to finish getting it set up the way I want it, then you will be able to see all of Moose's creations and make requests.

Barry McCormick
oh you know you want my shirt.LOL

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