05-27-2006, 03:36 PM
[center][cool]Hackle[/center] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000]1 a : one of the long narrow feathers on the neck or dle of a bird [/#008000][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000] b : the neck plumage of the domestic fowl
2 [/#008000][/size][/font][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000] erectile hairs along the neck and back especially of a dog [/#008000][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000]3 a : an artificial fishing fly made chiefly of the filaments of a cock's neck feathers [/#008000][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000] b : filaments of cock feather projecting from the head of an artificial fly [/#008000][/size][/font][/left]
2 [/#008000][/size][/font][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000] erectile hairs along the neck and back especially of a dog [/#008000][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000]3 a : an artificial fishing fly made chiefly of the filaments of a cock's neck feathers [/#008000][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][#008000] b : filaments of cock feather projecting from the head of an artificial fly [/#008000][/size][/font][/left]