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Fishing has slowed way down at Lincoln beach. Nothing biting in the morning. Tried a bunch of different spots. When I finally wandered back to the warm springs,my friend from Nephi was there in his little aluminum boat. He had an eight pound Walleye. I anchored. He caught a ten pound eye. I cried. He caught a five pound eye. I threw things at him. The other guy in his boat caught a three pound eye. They also got some ten inchers. I couldn't even get a bite until I tied on one of Tube Dudes little white flashaboo bait bugs. I caught some bass and missed a few fish.
My friend was using 2", green body red tail twisters. I didn't have any of those. Went to the two big 'marts. and couldn't find any. Bought some white tails and some majic markers. We'll see how they work today. Now I gotta go to Cabelas and order some for next weekend. C-ya
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Walleyebob , I'm getting very jealous . I need to hook some eyes . May have to check out Utah lake . Can a guy get a float tube out there by the warm springs ? I've never been there . I believe I have some 2" green with red tails some where in my tackle shop ( that's what the wifey calls my room ). tight lines
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[cool] I've fished all around the LB area from a tube. In the current low water conditions, you need to learn where the channels are to get out and then work back in to cast to the fish-holding springs. You will kick a lot of rocks and risk getting stranded until you dope out the formations. Find a good spot to launch and beach, and then take it slow.
Get off the water if the wind starts to come up. Otherwise you can sustain some damage to both you and your gear if you get slapped around with those straight sided waves that beat the beach. Ask Walleyebob. He has learned far more about boat and motor repair this past season than he really wanted to.
Fishing from a float tube in skinny water, you don't have to make long casts. Use the lightest heads you can find on the size hooks needed to fish the plastics you are throwing. I make all of my own jig heads and I often use 1/16 oz. heads on size 2 to 1/0 light wire hooks. Slow fall and slow swim work better in cold water, and result in fewer snags. Those rocks down there eat tackle.
This time of year, black is also a good color. All black, black and white, black and chartreuse or black jigs with red heads. I used to throw big wooly buggers on sink tip fly lines with good success too. Tied them with mono weed guards and snaked them through the rocks and cover. One of my best colors for winter 'eyes...and big white bass...had a claret red body and black marabou tail...with black hackle wrap. These days I dress that one up with a few strands of red flashabou in the tail.
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Hey Bob,all those big Eyes in one day, is that unusual? Has the catching ever been that good, at this time of the year? WH2
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Hey Hellsangler, read what Tube Dude has to say. He's right on. Today there was a guy in a Tube at the warm springs. He was just puttering around and kicked our butts. He got a 21" Walleye and a 16" Smallmouth. First Smallie I've ever seen come out of Utah Lake. The Walleye never turned on good today. I saw about five with the camera about 10:00, then they just vanished. My friend that caught all the Walleyes yesterday, didn't catch a single fish until 4:00. Thats when the guy in the tube caught the walleye and smallie.
My other friend left and trolled hard baits down south of the orchards, almost to the sheep barns, and got a 20" Walleye on a deep runner. Firetiger pattern. Fished thirty feet behind his boat and banging bottom at .7 MPH.
Hey WH2, you just never know whats going to happen at Utah Lake. Thats why I just keep going down there. One day is a twenty fish day, the next day two fish, the next day ten. Thats why they call it frustrating,,,,or,,,fishing.
I'm hoping the water temp comes up to 42 by next weekend. Then it will be a little bit more predictable.
And hey everyone,,, I'm not a worm anymore. I graduated to fish. Kewl huh???
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Yes , I have read Tubedude report . I have never venture that far south on Utah Lake . Only tried the bubble up and provo harbor . Need to get down there and get me some !! Need to ty up some jigs too !
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[cool] Hey Bob, you graduated from worm to shiner...but you're still just bait. Keep on puttin' up those good posts, though. Heck, I've made it all the way to yellow perch. Maybe someday I can make it to walleye and you will let me in your boat.
Anyone still draggin in those big bluegills...or any crappies?
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WallayeBob I was curious if you ever ice fish for those at Yuba? If so could you share some of your expertise with me on how to do it?
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Howdy DuckHntr. I tried ice fishing for eyes one time at Yuba and failed. Before the Perch died off, it was hard to get the walleye through the ice because there was so much food in the water. Now they are just plain hard to find. I wouldn't recommend ice fishing at Yuba. I've fallen through there. And at Deer Creek, and at Utah Lake, and,,,well I just never liked the ice at Yuba much. If you need a Walleye through ice, play the odds and hit Starvation. I know, long drive, but thats the best bet in Utah for now. Or, wait a few years and try Jordanelle.[  ] It should come on as a major Walleye factory in about five years.
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Hey Tube Dude, I pretty much lost ALL of the little white jigs with the red eyes that you sent me. But, last time I was at Deer Creek I pulled one of your jigs out of a tree. It was one I lost last August.
Anywho, yes, they are still pulling in a few big gills and Crappie. And some real nice LMB. We have to educate two or three non-english speaking fishermen every weekend about throwing back the big Bass.
I'm still happier being a shiner than a worm. At least I can swim with all of you big fish now. Insted of crawling around on the sidewalk, trying to avoid being stuffed in some kids pocket, or getting squished.
And hey. when you get back up here, you're going in my boat first. Gotta leave the tube home. My boat is too crowded with just me and my stuff in it. I leave stuff home when I have company.[  ]
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Walleye bob, If I had to choose one fish, and one fish only to fish for, it would probably be walleye. So, your comments about jordanelle becoming a good walleye fishery intrigue me. I love starvation, but like you said, its a long drive. Runs me nearly four hours to get there. Why do you think it will become a good walleye fishery? I would love to discuss this with you, I have never heard of walleye in there, but its just up stream from deer creek. Did the DWR stock them in jordanelle? Is that the new method of perch control in there? Very interesting.
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I read somewhere at least a year ago that the DWR had discovered walleye in Jordanelle. They were frustrated that someone had "bucket planted" them. Could it be the same person who "bucket planted" the perch in there and also in Starvation?
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I was talking to Bob about it a while back and the DWR has known about the walleye for some time. He found out, that DWR have been gill netting them in Jordanelle for a number of years. The DWR made the statement that the next record walleye could come from Jordanelle because it is a fairly new lake and now that the perch are there it has a very good forage base. It was not something the DWR planned for but now that it has happened they will make the best of it. WH2
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Took my son to to lindon and af yesterday Lindon there is only one hony hole left and there was about 20 people there so you could not even sneek in. Ran over to af with my son and got about 20 blugill and my son got his first whitebass. well I guess it was his first blugill and first sunfish to :} Some decent blues and the bass was pretty good size about 15-16 inch and with light tack (5 foot pole, ice fly, and 4 pound test with a little bobber) he thought it was a monster. so yea there still around but there a little harder to find.
What would be the closest place to launch for Warm Springs?
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Did you mean Linclon Beach and where is it in relation to that ramp?
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He meant Lincoln Beach, and the warm springs are just about 1,000 yards north of the boat ramp (give or take a few hundred yards). If you want the directions to Lincoln Beach, let me know and I can provide detailed (and I do mean detailed) directions.
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Hey blackstripebass, probably not me. Depends on how long ago it was. I haven't fished there too much lately. Been busy with some other spots that are more jig friendly. I'm in the sky blue fiberglass boat with a silver OMC motor.I've fished Lincoln beach just about every weekend for the last six or eight weeks.
Give me a yell if you see me out and around. A few people from this forum fish down there. I almost met Kent down there. We said our hellos from fifty yards out one day.
I'll have my bigfishtackle stickers on this weekend, so I'll be easier to spot. See ya on the water.(or somewhere near it)