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Duck Opener
The opener is in 3 weeks!! I am already getting my stuff put together and its getting me way excited for opening day! My buddys and I launch the duck boat friday and get set up and spend the night at Farmington Bay and play cards all night until the sun comes up!!..

Where are you guys going this year what are your traditions??
So do you spend the night on the water?

I have not been on the duck hunt for a few years now, but this year I am heading out. I will be nice to get the dust of the decoys and the cobwebs out of the calls.
Yes we do.We spot light ducks after landing in our spread..Its kinda cool!.We fold up the blind so we have a tent on the boat.
I'm all excited for the big Hunt! I went out to Strawberry last year and there were way to many people there so I'm going back to FB for the opener, I'm not lucky enough to have a boat to spend the night on so I'll have to sit out in the muck all night long, but thats the only way to do it at FB cause all the people there, but I have a few areas where most people won't go cause all the muck you have to cross. I can't wait!!!!
It should be another fun year in the marsh. I'm not quite as die hard as you are, but I enjoy going out. Good luck.
Yea! you can say I'm a big diehard Duckhunter[Smile] I look forward all year round for the duckies! I can't wait to use all my new stuff I got during the off season and the big 107 day season this year thats really going to be awesome!!

Where do you like to go??? Maybe we can hook up on the boat sometime this year! I am likeing the extended goose season!!
I am ready!!! I am ready!!! I have been looking forward to this time for 8 months. All the gear is ready, the dog is ready and I am ready!!!
Headed out to the Bird Refuge...
Do really well out there...(200 birds a year)
Drove out this weekend no water yet but they are holding more back than I have seen in years...
Opener will be wild...
Not too many skybusters anymore..
They started a ten shell rule last year..
If you are on the dike or within 50 yards you may only have 10 shells.. (For 1A and 2B??)
I usually go to FB! but sometimes thru the year I'll hit the berry to do fishin/huntin combo thats usually really fun! That we be cool to go out in a boat, what size of boat do ya have? the berry is really good if you have a boat then you can hit them back bays where you have to have a boat. Right now I'm using all my time for my Antelope hunt that I drew out for in the west desert, I've been putting in for that permit for 7 years now and I can't wait for that!!
I'll be at the Berry for the opener. No gun Just fishing.
I never go out for Ducks on the opener. to many one hunt wonders. (they hunt once and wonder why they didn't do well) I wait till a little later when it cools off.
How is the water in the big lake? I have liked the last few years when I pedal out to Chrystal and there are no airboaters there. I hope the water is low again, don't get me wrong, I like the airboaters. But not having anything other than my Mt. Bike it is nice to make a 8 mile ride and get to have the swamp to just a few who have worked hard to be there. It's not an easy ride in waders with 3 doz dekes on your back.
I used to hunt out by the salt ponds by Big Spring and also out at Walter Fitzgerald. I did ok at both. Maybe Rush lake will have water this year, it has been good for me also.

I go to Farmington later in the year, after it calms down some. I like PSG too. If you hike out past the ponds tword the big lake there are all kinds of potholes along the streams that I have done very well on. Geese too. I've seen Swans but I don't hunt them.
Theres lots of water this year at FB! My spot from last year is way under water! so I'll have alittle work to have as good as spot as last year. I rode my bike out their afew times too with all my dekes and let me tell you it is real hard! now I bought a decoy dolly so I can carry alot more stuff with little effort[Wink] Now I can bring all 4 dozen dekes and my new mojo[Smile] Its going to be a good year!!
Maybe I'll see you in the swamp.
I've started watching the DWR website daily. I'll start to post when I start hunting. Usally about the begining of Nov.
I used to pound FB in the mid 90's. There was plenty of water, and I knew that place like the back of my hand. Lots of 10am limits and lots of days in the swamp. I worked a second shift and hunted 4 days a week midweek.
To many Frags now, lots of areas that had water are now frag patches. Lots of frag is so thick now you can,t even get to places I hunted. And whats up with the bridges? There used to be seven bridges across the turpin channal that made it possible to get across to the other side. Last time I was there the bridges were gone.

Are those bridgees there again?
They are still there .We count them on the way out so we know where to turn off in the dark!![Wink][Wink] 2 weeks from today I will be loading the truck up and spending the night!!!!!!!!
3 days to the youth hunt and i cant wait. i have been counting days for the last two months

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