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??? who would want to start a BFT shotgun club???
Hey I was just thinking I need more guys"and gals" to go shot trap and clays with. then it hit me why not get a club up and going with all my buddys from BFT. I was thinking we could shot one saturday a month at differnt ranges. have a money pot and prizes. and some kind of like a leage for the ones that show up every time. what do you all think and how many would like to do that? I was thinking of getting it started by jan with the first shoot.

also anyone in a leage that could help out with how to do handycaps and thats stuff would help.
i might be interested...i'm gettin my old 16 gauge shotgun back...been 15 years since i had a gun in my posession

is it hard to find 16 gauge shells these days??? i heard a rumor that it was.


Norm you know I am very interested!!
Getting 16 ga shell is getting a bit easyer. I think sports has some . also look on the net there are lots of places that sell them if you look.
i would love to but just a litte to far for me to drive,,,,sounds like fun i dont bird hunt like i used too but still like to get out and dust a few clays...every once in awhile.
I haven't bought shells for a couple of years, but I don't think 16's are too tough to find. I used to get them at Kmart, but I think last time I bought them at Garts.

I might be interested in a turkey shoot here and there.
that's why i haven't had my gun in so long..when i joined the military i left it at home and my father used it at turkey shoots' and seemed to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. He's older now and doesn't get out much i'm gettin my gun back..yeah!

count me in.... wal mart has 16ga shells, I just bought some the other day for my nephew to hunt with.
Saw some 16g shells on sell at Smith and Edwards this afternoon. Along with a couple of shotguns I really really want.
It sounds like fun Norm. Let us know a few more costs, where the ranges are, etc. when you know more.
I'm thinking about doing a get to gether shoot on dec 18 2004 around noon at the lee kay center, so we can all sit down and decide how we all would like to do it.

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