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Willard North 8/20
Doc released me from house arrest yesterday and said it was ok to walk a little.  Arrived at the north marina by 8 AM and was fishing just outside of the mouth of the marina by 8:30. Six or seven kitties caught by my noon departure, one of which is tonight's special dinner guest. All were caught on Santee rigs tipped with either BELH chubettes (thanks TD) or chub chunks. Couple of double axle trailers in the parking lot. Ramp is not l looking good. Use at your own risk.

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Glad you are "hobble-worthy" enough to get in some fishing...and that the kitties obliged you with some tugs.

Any prognosis on how long before you will be able to get back afloat?

Might be up that way some day next week.
Sounds like a good trip Larry, glad to hear you are doing better. I guess we should have launched from the North end too.
Pat, let me know when there headed this way. Doc said I can start riding my bike a bit. If I can ride my bike, I can pedal the kayak. Busy Tuesday and Thursday but free the rest of the week.

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