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Bad Day Fishing
Yesterday had to be the worst day of fishing or trying to fish in my life. It started with the driving rain and wind. I hoped that my customers would not want to go fishing with the forcast, but they were totaly prepared with raingear and boots. The wind was not really a factor, but we were going to have rain for the entire day.
It started out bad when I pulled up my crab trap and somehow it hit the dock and opened up spilling all the crabs and bait out of it before I could get it up close enough to close the lid. Then I successfully checked another trap and filled my 5 gal bucket with crabs only to slip on the dock when trying to get into the boat and you guessed it the crabs were on the loose again runnig all over the place on the dock trying to get free and go back into the water. My mate finally came to the rescue and we got the crabs back into the bucktet and went fishing. Thank God my customers didn't get to view this fiasco.
Once we got on our spot and were catching some blackfish, and everything was normal or so I thought. I decided to join the guys fishing after a while and grabbed my new grafite rod. I dropped my crab down and got stuck in the rocks right away. I tried to free my rig, but it was stuck pretty good. I put the rod in the rod holder and went inside the cabin to get my gloves to free the fireline so I wouldn't cut my hands. While I was gone my mate figured he would give it a try to free the rod. He picked up the rod and gave it a shake to try to free it and the rod snapped into 4 pieces. I heard the crack and everyone laughing and saw my mate holding all the pieces of my new rod in his hands trying not to laugh himself. I grabbed all the pieces and threw them in the cabin a got another rod out to fish. After catching a few fish and everything being normal again my bad luck hit me again. I had just helped take a blackfish off the hook of one of my customers and my hands were all slimey. I noticed my rod bouncing in the rod holder and grabbed it and set the hook, but when I did it I lost my grip on the rod and the rod butt flew up and hit me in the #&*%nose and sent my glasses and hat flying off my head. The rod went airborne and with my eyes closed and stinging I was flailing my arms around hoping to grab a piece of the rod or line before it went into the water. NO SUCH LUCK!!!Down it went.
At this point there was so much laughter and hooting going on that one of the other boats nearby called me on the radio to see what was going on. As I was trying to tell the other Capt. what had happened I could hear my mate yelling in the cockpit. The guy next to me had hooked a fish and it had this line all tangled around the fish. As the mate pulled the line in he could feel sonething on the other end. When he finally got it up he started yelling "Hey Cap...We are even now" He ended up pulling in the rod that had gone overboard, and it still had the fish on it, but only 1/2 a fish. It seems that a bluefish had taken a chunk out of it somewhere in the fight, but I didn't care. I got the rod back and we finished the day without any more bad luck.
Capt. John
that's the same thing here , too much snow to do any good .

i've had those bad luck day's myself , usually they start with a cup of coffee that has the aftertaste of dishsoap and then it's all downhill from there .

bottomsnags , halfdead bait , lost keys , seems like a badluck magnet was placed in your pocket somewhere .

i tell you , on those kinda days i wish i could pull it out and give it to some other guy .

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