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Ambassadeur 6501 C3 Casting Problems
Just a qu ick question. I'm having problems getting distance out of my AmbasSadeur 6501 C3 baitcaster. 25 yds max with 20 lb test and 2 oz weight (primarily used for cattin'). Not my casting expertise either. Would smoothie drag discs and bearing kits help with distance or not? Please email at Thanks in advance.<br><br>
My first guess is that you have a bad line-rod-reel combo your line may match your reel but not your rod.<br><br>Find a rod with nylon inner ring in the eyes and large eyelets nearer to the reel.<br><br>You may have noticed that when your line comes out that the bobbin travels back and forth from side to side creating resistance on the eyelets that slows down your casting speed each time it hits from side to side.<br><br>If your line is heaver than recommended for your reel there is nothing you can do to improve your casting<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
The reel is rated for 20lb test, I have 20 on it. The rod is rated for 10-30lb test. I even switched rods, to a 9'6" rod. Still the same problem. Even played around with the weight (1oz and 3oz). Still no luck.<br><br>
tpet96, <br>Hello fellow angler. On the same side as your star drag is a small 3/8 diameter spool control located at center of your reel. Put your 2 oz. weight back on and click the spool release and watch how fast the weight falls to the ground. it should fall smoothly without resistance and when the weight hits the ground the spool should not make more than 1 revolution maybe two. It would appear that your spool control setting is too tight. As you get accustomed to your new reel you will be able to loosen the setting even more or less as each time you change the weight your throwing. How old is your reel? New or used? If new this simple adjustment will solve your problem. If used then maybe a rebuild may be in order. If your fishing fresh water an easy solution would be to dip the reel into the water, this will decrease the resistance of the worn parts inside a USED reel. I would strongly make this a last resort option, but it will get you through a days fishing if the problem occurs in the field. I also use 20lb mono on the same reel and a 9'6" rod. I effectively cast 3/4 oz. to 10oz. a country mile. Good luck with your new 6501, it will help bring you many years of enjoyment.<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
Gamakatsu,<br><br>I tried openening it all the way up. I think one of 2 things is wrong.<br><br>1, the mechanism on the side is either frozen up and not releasing inside the reel....or...<br>2, the bearings are shot. I might try to add smoothie bearings and drag discs and see if that helps. Any other suggestions? <br><br><br><br>
tpet96, <br>I guess it's safe to say that this is a used reel you have aquired? When you push in the spool release button does the reel go into free spool? Have you tried removing the case and flushing any sand or dirt from the gears with WD/40 then getting some ABU GARCIA reel lube and relubricate? Email me or send private message with Phone #. Did you follow the directions I posted about the spool control?. Your reply post says you loosened it all the way but if you did that the spool tensioner knob would just fall off. In my post I was not refering to the large 5 stared drag contol. But the small little knob that looks like a cap. The ambasSador series really are fine quality level winds. Although no reel is made perfect. Still unsure if we are talking about the same parts of the reel. Happy Hookin.<br><br>Gamakatsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
Problem Solved!!! With the advice of another BFTMB member, I went to the following link:<br><br><br><br>I tore down my reel, and it was D I R T Y. Cleaned it all up (used Dura Lube to clean the parts) oiled, and greased the parts. The bearings on the spool were seized up pretty good, so I let them soak in dura lube for about an hour. Oiled them up, put it all back together, and it works better than a brand new one! Thanks eveyone for the tips. <br><br>
Awesome tpet96,<br><br>Glad to hear your ambasSadors workin perfectly. You should have years of enjoyment with it, and thanks for the link. It'll come in handy.<br><br>Happy Hookin<br>Gamaktsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
I found the link extremely handy. Helped me out. Although I put the clicker in the wrong place, and suddenly found out what happend when you cast and it hangs up Sad But, no problem. Easy to fix!<br><br>

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