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Berkley Power Worm
Have you caught a fish on the fishing lure named in this post? Please respond with any tips, techniques, photo's, or information you have about this lure.

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
large mouth bass
small mouth bass
Caught my first bass on power worms. Used pumpkinseed, tequila sunrise, blue fleck, and I think that's all we actually caught bass with. Used a slow retrieve, just fast enough to keep it from getting caught on the rocks that lined the bottom. It's a good lure, and as much trouble as my girlfriend and I had setting the hook with these, I'm almost positive we'll be using them again this summer. Here's a couple of bass I've caught with them. Both weigh in at around a pound. Not real big bass in her pond, but very enjoyable to catch, gives me practice with hook setting and whatnot.

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