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Honda troller
Have an older 10 horse honda troller that has run great till now. It has sat idle for a season due to new merc. Tried to put it on a flat bottom for my boy to use and it starts ok but only stays running full throttle. Try to idle down and it kills. Thinking possibly might be fuel pump diaphram dried out. Anyways who knows who handles parts for one of these puppies? Thanks Gary
I wouldn't begin with the fuel pump. If you can run full throttle, it is probably fine. Are you using fresh gas? Really old fuel will cause a motor to act like this. Otherwise, 99% chance this is a gummed carb issue. If you are careful you'll be able to open up the carb and clean the gunk out of all the tiny passage ways (some are microscopic) without needing even a gasket.

Should you need parts, unfortunately Honda has a pretty lousy marine dealer network in norther Utah with nothing at all in Salt Lake County.

I think Newgate Motorsports in Ogden or Monarch Honda in Orem can order parts for sub-20HP motors.

If neither of these places have what you need in stock, you can probably get it cheaper and faster from an online supplier. Just search for honda marine parts.
Thanks BVS!
I drained the tank and put new in but the fouling might already have taken place. I'm not too much of a mechanic but I could run some carb cleaner through it before I start too much tinkering. Previous posts with similar problems have been told to run sea foam through their motors.
The motor used to start with one pull and purr like a fat cat. It takes some effort now to start and only runs wide open. Thanks again Gary
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Might also want to check or change the fuel filter. Sometimes you would be surprised how a few little pieces of dang debris create a problem. But just another thing to check.[:/][/#000000][/font]

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