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Autumn fishing -- need help!!!!
Hi! It's me again. The guy who can't remember anything one day after it's taught to him. First of all, thanks to all the guys who helped me in the fishing knot field. I got smart and got myself a wallet size ruler with fishing knot diagrams and how-to on it.

Now for a first for me. The air temperature is dropping, the water temperatures are following suit. Now what do I do? I fish from shore/docks. What knowledge is out there for me? Where's the best place in the twin cities metro to fish without a boat during this time of the year?

Anybody out there willing to take a beginner out with him and teach me a few tricks of the trade?

Lead me to sunnies, bass, anything you can! Thanks ahead of time!
Too bad that you are not here in Michigan

I’d love to take ya out and spend a whole of 5 minutes to show you what I know. And it is always a pleaser to instruct those who are willing to learn and try new things.

Fortunately for you, fishing is at its best in the fall, most anglers do not know this because they are out in the woods chasing other critters. Pier and shore fishing is just fine for most all fishing this includes walleye pike bass perch gills crappie. The cooler water temps bring these lap floppers back up to the shallows once again. And now they are hungry, actually feasting for the winter month when they will be slower feeding due to the lack of bugs. This time of year bugs are dieing everywhere so they are hitting just about any thing that hits the water a wiggles on top or below.

Go back to your usual haunts and you will find them once again. Don’t forget that, now, this time of year salmon are at their best while they race time and current to get to the spawning grounds.

Crickets and bees are deadly on the pan fish (bass included) this time of year and the only thing that works better is dynamite.

If you do not want to labor with re-baiting your hook after every catch (which can be quite tiresome due to the amount of hookups you are going to run in to) then start with your darker colored spinner baits and surface lures for them bass and pike, chartreuse for them walleyes and dark poppers and bugs for the pan fish. Spoons for them salmon.

Jitterbugs - Lazy Ikes – Hulla Poppers – Repallas – Mr Twisters – Little Cleo’s – Mephs Spinners – Dare Devils – Uncle Bucks Bugs are my favorites for getting the job done. And lets not forget to use a jig or two.

Thanks Dave! [Smile] You've sure helped me out quite a bit. Now all I gotta do is find some time that I can get to my favorite spots. Where I usually go, the Sheriff kicks people out of 30 minutes past sunset. And I get off work just a few minutes before sunset! Guess with the temperatures dropping, I best find my long-johns and long-sleeve shirts if I'm gonna be fishing in the dark and outrunning them cops for breaking the rules. Hehe. To catch a few fish, it's worth it. Hey, maybe I can bribe them with a few good catches. [Wink]

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