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Rockport 2/7
Left work early and went to Rockport. Forgot my coat, who forgets their coat ice fishing? South end, in 15 FOW. 18 inches of snow on the hill down to the ice. About 2 feet of slush near shore. I got pretty soaked. 4 inches of slush on the ice. Plus about 12 inches of snow. Caught a few in the first few hours, using tube jigs and grubs tipped with wax worms and 8-15 ft. Then right before I started cleaning up to go. I tipped the jigs with pink and orange power bait and dropped it to the bottom and they were hitting like crazy. Caught a bunch as I was packing up. If I had had my coat I would have stayed. Cold walk out. Great day on the ice!
If I had forgotten my coat, I wouldn't have gotten out of the car! But then again, I don't have a shelter.

I'm glad you had some fun and not too much freeze. Thanks for the report.
No coat or other outerwear makes for a cold trip no matter who you are. .

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