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awesome construction of a spawning trib for BCTT
awesome construction of a spawning tributary for Bonneville cutthroat trout in Idaho. Private owner doing his best to protect create a self sustaining population of pure BCTT in his streams.
Interesting. This guy doing it for his own use then?
he is working with the Idaho fish and game to protect the pure strain of BCTT that he has in his stream.
That is awesome. It is nice to see that some people do their part for conservation.

I used to catch Cutthroats in some of the irrigation canals when I lived in Rigby. They were plentiful back in the late 70's and early 80's. Whitefish could also be caught on just a bare chartruese jig. [cool]
they have done alot of work around to keep them out of the canal since that is the way a fish ultimately dies. Trout unlimited has done alot with putting revolving screens on lots of them.
That is a good way to save them. They used to be so plentiful. It seems like practicing C&R isn't always enough. I used to study the flow of the canals.

One in particular ran by my grandfathers farm in Rigby. It fed other smaller canals which then led to the headgates to the farmers ditches.

I was able to practice my flyfishing in these ditches and sometimes catch fish there too. I wonder how many I missed since they went through the smaller headgates and on to the fields that were being flood irrigated.

Now I see why so many fish were lost to the canals.

That guy that is constructing the extra channel is doing a good thing. [angelic]

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