03-12-2002, 02:19 AM
South Carolina Shallow Saltwater Fishing Report<br>From 02-24-02 through 03–09-02<br><br>Two weeks have passed since my last report and not much has changed. We ran five trips, and all but one were good ones. The bad one was during hard wind, with low tide and muddy water. Not much good can come of conditions like that. The other days were windy, but not too much to fish in. We managed to find some reds that wanted to eat, and we fed them spoons and jigs, and also caught a couple on spinner baits. The water has warmed a bit, and the algae is turning it green again. Unless we have some really cold weather, it will probably remain green until next winter. It makes it harder to see the fish, but, it also makes it harder for them to see us! One of our guides found two groups of fish and really had a ball with them. They totaled 23 one day and most of them were in the 8# and up size. Another day in the same area, he had 14 that were about the same size. I had a trip scheduled one day, and he told me where he had found the school. I started in a totally different area, and we caught two reds in the first 30 minutes of the morning. It was a beautiful morning, and I decided to leave the area we were in and run to his secret spot. About an hour later, we arrived there and fished for 4 hours for one fish. I then left and ran back where we had started and we caught 5 more that evening. All that goes to remind me that you should never leave fish to go find fish! We have had some good catches of smaller ones around 2 to 3 pounds also. Nearly all the fish were taken on artificials. I had kept 3 dozen live mud minnows for over two weeks, and never used a one of them. I finally released them a couple of days ago. Another of our guides went to the west coast of Florida a couple of weeks back, and in three days of fishing, he and his buddy caught over 200 sea trout, a few odd snook and a couple of reds! Now that’s really fishing! They caught them with jigs, fishing just like we do here. As a side line, one of our guides has taken to guiding for catfish. He has always liked catching them, and has had some really good ones recently. Just a few nights ago, they had one that was 89 pounds! The same night, they had 3 that were over 30 pounds each! So, if you have any desire to hook into a really big cat, give us a call, and we’ll hook you up with him.....the guide that is. <br><br>Total for the period was: 53 reds and no trout or other fish were caught.<br><br>Thanks, Gene Dickson<br><br>Delta Guide Service http://www.deltaguideservice.com<br>Georgetown, SC<br>1-843-546-3645<br><br>We are a saltwater fishing guide service located on the coast of South Carolina.