03-01-2002, 06:22 PM
3/1/2002 Flats fishing report for the Indian and Banana Rivers. By Capt Doug Blanton <br>Fishing has been on and off for the past week with the constantly changing weather we have been having. Last week the water temperature was up in the low 70's on the flats and the reds were everywhere. The next day the temperature dropped down in the 50's and the reds scattered to deeper water. The good news is that when the water warmed up for a few days we were able to catch some nice reds and trout on top water. When this cold front passes get ready, I know that the fishing is going to be great because just as the first cold front hit I saw reds schooling up to groups of 100+. As soon as we get a day with the sun out they will be back. <br>I have decided to extend the time of my fishing trip give away till March 16. I had a problem with my computer and lost about 30 people from my list. I wanted to give everybody a chance to rejoin that may have been lost. If you were on my list and did not receive a fishing report via email, please rejoin by going to http://www.indianriver.cc/mailing_list.htm <br>This week all of our fish we caught where on: <br>MirrOlure's Top Pup 74MR-21 and Top Dog 94MR-21 & 81 rigged with a Daiichi Bleeding Hook on the frontMirrOlure's Catch 2000 rigged with a Daiichi Bleeding Hook on the front <br>Cotee 3" Swirl Tails Clear silver flake <br><br><br>See you on the water<br>Capt. Doug Blanton<br>Indian River Adventures<br>321-432-9470