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Fish harassment at west lake
Since I am in Colorado this weekend I figured I would take advantage of the free fishing day. I started out at the Colorado river in grand junction. The river was flowing fast and got no takers in my usual spot, so I decided to goto a place I know produces. West Lake wildlife area. A great community fishery if I must say. The green sunfish in there cannot leave a spinner alone. Wasn't long before I had a couple hook ups with many others than hit the spinner just for fun then would swim off. A nice LITTLE surprise today though. Pulled out a small rainbow as well. Wasn't very big but on ultra light tackle it was a fighter. Decided to leave after I noticed I was turning into a tomato. Here's some pics!
Glad you got on the fish! Thank you for the report and pics!!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting

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