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BearLake report 111503 - Fishing with BLM
First, thank you BLM for hosting Polokid and I and helping show us the ropes and the techniqe. Also thank you for your hospitality and sharing some brewskis with us. Now down to the business...

Fishing was awesome, absolutely awesome. Nothing like it. It was a brisk 28 degrees at 4:445am in Logan and the only place that sells coffe that early is the Maverick, not bad coffe at that either. We arrived at BLMs house at about 5:10 and started uncovering the boat and loading up, we were off by 5:30. We arrived at the Bear Lake marina at about 6:45-7:00 and were on the water by 7:15 and at the fishing hole by 7:45.

Polokid hooked into the first of the day not 5 minutes later. About 8-9lbs, the biggest polo had ever caught... so far...

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1649;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1650;]

Boats started showing up and the crowding on the rock pile had begun. We were pushed off our spot due to crowding but that did not matter, we were still the only ones catching fish.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1647;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1651;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1648;]

Around 10:00 in the morning polo was into his fishing, going all out finessing the lure in front of the macs then BAM, hooked into a monster. This sucker wanted to take line and make Rob work.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1644;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1646;]

A bit later he finaly brought it to the net, a 15lb lunker.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1645;]

The last boated fish of the day was around 10:30am

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1652;]

We saw a bunch of BFT folk out there, stopped by the Salsa boat and grabed a taste of the goods.

All in all a fantastic day. The weather was perfect, the company was excelent and the fishing was awesome. It was nice being the only boat on the water for almost an hour.

Thank you again BLM for the fantastic trip.

Hate to be the bad guy again, but please keep the pics down to a maximum width of 400 pixels!! Great looking fish though!!! [Smile] Teroy

(edit)Teroy is exactly right. I should of reminded OEJ earlier. Just got caught up with the nice fish pics. Thanks, Teroy.
(edit OEJ) There you go guys, changed the rez and reposted.
BLM told us the night before to accept the possibility of a no fish day. So i said to myself one would be gravy!!! I dont know how to explain 4 fish!!! Do i win a prize??? biggest and most fish!!! It was a riot. It is a day later and I cant get the Smile off of my face. Thanks a ton BLM. You might not believe this, but he is one hell of nice guy. [cool] I have got the big fish bug now!!! Both OEJ and I stayed Friday night in Logan, so we could be all ready the next day. Most fish were caught off of a 5 in. white tube with a 1/2 oz jig head, by swimming it right off the bottom. 2 of the 4 fish I thought I had bottom, till the pole started to come out of my hands!!! I wish that BLM could have hooked up with one, but he seemed more interested in showing us a good time. Thanks again!!! I am glad that OEJ got 2 fish. I cant say enough.

BTW, BLM i am still having a hard time doing the breathing through the nose thing!!!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]My only question is: How many fish did you guys miss?[/size][/font]
Plenty of fish missed too!!! Lots and lots of hits!!! The better question is how much money did we leave at the bottom of the lake???? oh well all worth it!!!!
I believe missed fish coresponds with curse words at a 3 to 1 ratio. To many to even mention. However I will blame my fishing pole. It was not sending the "hook me now" messages fast enough.
looks like you guys had a great trip good to see you caught some fish and large ones at that ! keep hoping one of these guys with a boat will invite me up for a trip some day ( hint hint )
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#1b3d00][size 3]I am SO glad I made it up to Bear Lake yesterday. Seeing those great pictures and not being up there would have definitely caused me mental stress hard to avoid.[/size][/#1b3d00][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#1b3d00][size 3]Very nice pictures and some beautiful fish. You all obviously had an outing to remember and share.[/size][/#1b3d00][/font]
I am jealous. I have had better catching days with Bear Lake Mack than you guys had, but I have yet to break the 10 pound barrier. Hopefully, this winter will be when the 10 pound barrier is broken by me. Curious what you mean by leaving money at the bottom of the lake -- did you snag up?
Way to go guys, it looks like a great day on the pond for you guys also but it's not fair that three out of the four BFT boat owners/drivers didnot get any fish. It sounds like we should have stayed at the Rock pile first thing in the morning instead of heading to the deep water. WH2
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Like I told Polokid and OEJ, you guys fish, I've caught tons of these fish. I tried to keep them in position so they had the best chance for hook up. I dangled a rod over the side but who can be serious about fishing while operating the boat, watching the sonar, netting fish, etc, etc. I wanted those guys to have a good experience. I'll catch my fair share of fish this winter. You can bet on it.[/size][/font]
hi blm if you ever need someone to tag along i volunteer !
OEJ was the one that was snag happy in the morning, constantly breaking line and retying, in the afternoon I was the one that was rock happy and donated plenty of my gear (and BLM's) to the lake bottom. So Kent, i know where I want to go fishing with now!!!
HOLY guys rock. sounds like you guys had one heck of a fun time. Im very jealous.Love the pictures. Lots of guys talk about the fun and the big fish you guys have the pictures to prove it. Thanks for the great post.
Nice fish kids,"That BLM guys is one hell of a good guy"Glad to see you guys got into some!! My brother and I hit the water at 7 today and headed for the rockpile lots of fish stacked up in about 57' but no takers,we saw a couple fish cought but not a lot, 4 other boats on the pile all day but they did not stay long. The water was pretty smooth all day but it rained and snowed all day!!! 1 white fish and a few hits&misses but like BLM says "I will catch my share this winter"!!I think I must have stood too close to the IceFishingGod last weekend ,because our luck was a lot worse then his[Wink]M.H.
First Jason then you, everybody wants a shot at the IFG. I'm surprised BLM didn't blame his lack of catching on me also. It's all good though, I have big shoulders and can carry the load. Soon I will have my revenge! HARHARHAR.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I have a hard enough time catching fish without trying to blame you besides we all know I can catch fish when you're around so I can't use that excuse![/size][/font]
Nice report ! with nice pics to boot . I'm jealous for sure . Way to go !!
nice pics guys. great looking macs. hey blm is the rock pile within rowing distance? that would be so dang fun to hook up in deep water like that on the pontoon. i remember guses point or something like that but im not sure where the rock pile is. thanks for any info on it.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I'll tow you out. Just hang on! HA! Seriously, during the spawn could be a killer time with some pontoons and float tubes. We'll have to look into this and see what we could get going. Might be a lot of fun on the right day. I guarantee you don't want to paddle unless a mile is doable. I just wouldn't want to get caught out there if the wind picked up. East side there you go![/size][/font]
[size 1]"So Kent, i know where I want to go fishing with you now!!!"[/size]

[size 1]Let me guess, to Jordanelle to catch some perch -- am I right?[/size]

[size 1]With all of the tackle that you lose, I'm not sure I can afford to take you fishing.[/size]

[size 1]

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