08-11-2011, 03:34 PM
It's the end of Fishing season blow out event. To celebrate, [url "http://www.poorfish.com"]PoorFish Outdoors[/url] is offering [#BF0000]30% off[/#BF0000] from now through this Sunday, the 14th. The code is active right now
*Sale excludes items that do not meet manufacturer's MAP policies.
[#0000BF]Coupon Code: FISHINGSALE[/#0000BF]
[#BF0000]Expires: 8/14/2011[/#BF0000]
*Sale excludes items that do not meet manufacturer's MAP policies.
[#0000BF]Coupon Code: FISHINGSALE[/#0000BF]
[#BF0000]Expires: 8/14/2011[/#BF0000]