11-18-2001, 08:23 PM
South Carolina Weekly Shallow Saltwater Fishing Report<br>Week of 11-11-01 through 11-17-01<br><br>Another windy week. Winds from the North and Northeast plagued us for the whole week but we still managed two trips. The fish are still here and willing to bite if you can get to them. Clear 57 degree water makes it easy for them to find the bait and most of them will bite it if they see it. On one trip we used the soft jerk baits and had good luck with them during the super high tides. We caught several with spoons, but the slower plastic bait was the hands down favorite. In about 4 hours of fishing, it took 7 fish, and the spoons only took 3. My favorite soft bait is the Berkley Power Bait in Pirana color which is sort of clear with metal flake inside. I rig it on a 16 to 20 inch long, 30# XT mono leader with a 30# swivel on top and a wide bite worm hook on the business end. I’ll put a 1/4 or 1/8 oz. bullet weight on the main line and then tie to the swivel. I try to use the lightest weight I can throw so that it doesn’t get hung on the weeds so frequently. We’ve been catching a lot of small reds this season and most other fishermen I talk to have been doing likewise. It would be really nice if we could have a real “bumper crop” of young reds along with the reduced bag limit. That would put the recovery of the fishery on a fast track, and hopefully, there won’t be something to de-rail them such as another winter freeze or poor shrimp crop.<br><br>The totals for the week were: reds totaled 30 fish; trout totaled 4, flounder totaled 4 and 1 black drum.<br><br>Thanks, Gene Dickson<br><br>Delta Guide Service http://www.deltaguideservice.com<br>Georgetown, SC<br>1-843-546-3645<br><br>Our new e-mail address is: Delta-Guide-Service@sc.rr.com<br><br><br>We are a saltwater fishing guide service located on the coast of South Carolina.