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check out this hauss panfish i think its a bream
tell me what yall think 2 pounds an 11 1/2 inch long 4 1/2 width
that is not 2 pounds I caught one 9.4 inch and it wasn't even a pound

did you caught it or did you find it on the link??

link to mine
it was 2 pounds your just going by length buddy ive seen a 5 pound bass measure 15 inches the breams width was 4 inchs it was thick bud
an yes i caught it i caught in on my 733 at carbaton river in NC i was using a small black an green tube
my fish was thicker then yours bud
okay well fi you haven't eaten it or any thing like that you should take it to to your g&f and see if it's a record [fishon]
its not nc record but the pond that i just started fishing has the record
yah that redear that I cough is a record I had just started fishing wen I cough him

if no one beats it I will have my name printed in one the books for urban fishing in Arizona

heres a link to az g&f
I am brandon dugan
Were talking sm panfish here not marlin hahahahaha [cool] love how ya set that redear record hahahahah lol
[quote 4poundonly] love how ya set that redear record hahahahah lol[/quote]
nice redear...

they are getting active here too. Lake Poinsett is happening.

we got a 1.8lb one last weekend. not a record but a huge freaking sunfish.
It doesn't look like 2 lbs to me either... but it might be.

When someone claims a fish weighs 2,3,4,20 lbs... means they haven't really weighed it and are just guessing at the weight. Fish very rarely weigh an even amount of pounds... if someone says this fish weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz., it's usually a pretty good indicator that they weighed it.

An 11 1/2" Redear that weighed 2 lbs. would have a huge bulging belly... I don't see one in that pic.

The attached pic below is of a 13" 2 lb.- 2 oz Crappie I caught (yeah I weighed it). I don't usually weigh my Crappie, but this one was so fat and thick for it's length... I was curious... you can see the bulging belly in the pic.
I caught stringers of these all summer in the pond behind the house. What a great time everyday. I used a shakespear microspin all summer. Light tackle makes bluegill alot more fun. Now that its fall the fish have all but stopped biting. Hope I didn't eat to many of them. I'm also worried about the level of the pond right now. I hope it doesn't screw it up for next year.
You got a red ear sunfish also known as Shell Crackers & to the 1s that dont believe these things get big & fat , That same 11 1/2 inch 2 lb'er can also weigh up to 4 lbs, I have caught many of them where a smaller 1 will weigh more than a larger 1 in length, I have caught Bass & Crappie & Bluegills that has been the same way, Some feed more than others.
Sorry to say but it looks like you got beat by David J Smith. He caught a 4 pounder.[cool]
[fishin] ive hooked a redfish(reddrum) in FL with my microspin and broke my line, then went to ml rod action and haussed them in like no 2morrow,

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