04-30-2010, 11:11 AM
Anti-snagging rule rescinded, season extended for
Ringold area bank spring chinook fishery<br />
Action: Rescind anti-snagging rule; extend season.
Effective date: May 1, through June 30, 2010.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Waters of the Columbia River adjacent to Ringold Springs Rearing Facility (RSRF) in Franklin Co. from the WDFW markers ¼ mile downstream of the Ringold irrigation wasteway outlet to the markers ½ mile upstream of Ringold Springs Creek (hatchery outlet). Only the hatchery side of the river is open - bank fishing only; Ringold Springs Creek (hatchery outlet) is closed .
Reason for action: Fishery managers predict a harvestable return of hatchery spring chinook to the RSRF this year. One "anti-snagging rule" is being removed for this bank fishery to allow anglers to use up to two, single-point hooks (barbed or barbless). Treble hooks are not permitted.
Other information: Daily limit: Two hatchery salmon, 12-inch minimum size. Only chinook with a clipped adipose fin and having a healed scar at the location of the fin may be retained. Night closure in effect . All wild chinook (with an intact adipose fin) must be released immediately and may not be removed from the water. The new Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement is required to participate in this fishery .
Information contacts: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, (509) 545-2284 (Pasco) or John Easterbrooks, Regional Fish Program Manager, (509) 457-9330 (Yakima)
Ringold area bank spring chinook fishery<br />
Action: Rescind anti-snagging rule; extend season.
Effective date: May 1, through June 30, 2010.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: Waters of the Columbia River adjacent to Ringold Springs Rearing Facility (RSRF) in Franklin Co. from the WDFW markers ¼ mile downstream of the Ringold irrigation wasteway outlet to the markers ½ mile upstream of Ringold Springs Creek (hatchery outlet). Only the hatchery side of the river is open - bank fishing only; Ringold Springs Creek (hatchery outlet) is closed .
Reason for action: Fishery managers predict a harvestable return of hatchery spring chinook to the RSRF this year. One "anti-snagging rule" is being removed for this bank fishery to allow anglers to use up to two, single-point hooks (barbed or barbless). Treble hooks are not permitted.
Other information: Daily limit: Two hatchery salmon, 12-inch minimum size. Only chinook with a clipped adipose fin and having a healed scar at the location of the fin may be retained. Night closure in effect . All wild chinook (with an intact adipose fin) must be released immediately and may not be removed from the water. The new Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement is required to participate in this fishery .
Information contacts: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, (509) 545-2284 (Pasco) or John Easterbrooks, Regional Fish Program Manager, (509) 457-9330 (Yakima)