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remote troll motor dead
I jut found out my remote trolling plate motor is dead and it's 160 to replace it. Problem is Im leaving for Powell sunday and the part wont be in till friday but you know how that goes. Any suggestions? Or know where to get them a little cheaper?
I'd be pretty tempted to take the motor apart and see if I couldn't get it working again. You might find some contact cleaner and maybe some new brushes would get it going again at least through your trip and give you some time to find a less expensive replacement.
I've had the same problem with mine after it has been sitting over the winter. Here is what I did to fix mine. Have you checked the fuse? After I checked mine and made sure the battery was good, I held the switch in one direction and manually turned the plate in that direction. Then I held the switch in the opposite direction and manually turned the plate in that direction. This freed up the rust or what ever it was that had froze the motor.
If this does not help, there was a post on this board about a years ago where one of the guys found a cheaper motor and he posted the info. Just go back on this board until you find the post or try the search function. I'm going to bed now or I would take a look for you but it shouldn't be hard to find.
Thanks alot wiper hunter. I havent used it in 3 years so I am sure it is rusted up good. i'll give your method a try. I was really planning on using it at powell next week.
I'll give it a shot I just got it back from the shop and $426 later I am not looking to spend much more.
Unfortunately, I checked mine out recently and it also isn't working. It has been sluggish at times and seems to have a short in the wiring somewhere. I guess that I am going to have to tear into it and see if I can find the problem. Did you get yours going?
No I didnt get it going. I thought I would just reach off the back and it was a pain in the rear. Literally. I was on the phone with the company in logan and he said to grease the post and I did. Can you manually turn yours? I can turn it easilly one way but I have to take it off and stand on one side and muscle the other up. A new motor for mine is like $160. I'm not sure whether I want to do that. I have hardly ever used it and it sits too low on my boat and throws water in the boat. When I was down at powell last week we drove from our canyon to bullfrog and took on ALOT of water because it was a little windy so when the rear would dip it threw water straight in. That sucked that water was cold.
I can manually turn mine; however, that doesn't turn the motor. It just slides on the cable when I turn it manually.
Then like mine your motor is siezed up. But like I said I cant turn it to the left onless i take it off and it is really hard. I'll start looking for a cheaper motor this week. If i find anything i'll let you know.
It has always worked that way, so not sure my problem is anything more than a loose wire some where.
here is what you do take off the motor and go to napa those motors are electric window motors for cars they can match it up and you will be on your way for less the $100.
I had a suspicion thats what they were. Thanks alot petty4life. You just saved me either an aching back or near $200 to get a new motor.
N.E.T.O. just got finished fixing mine. Randy first tested all of the wiring and found that there was power reaching the motor. He then took a pipe (a hammer would have probably worked better but a pipe was handy) and tapped the motor a few good whacks and that fixed it. Might want to try tapping on the motor with a hammer and see if that fixes yours also.

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