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The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will be holding two public information meetings on potential recreational fishing regulation changes being considered for Delaware River American shad. The shad population is in significant decline and in need of rebuilding, prompting DEC to pursue decreasing the current daily creel limit from six fish to three fish.

New York in cooperation with other Delaware River Basin states (Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey) and other coastal states recently completed a stock assessment of Delaware River shad that indicates the stock is at historic lows. The assessment was part of a coast-wide assessment of American shad stocks conducted under the coordination of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, of which New York is a member. The Delaware River shad abundance declined substantially in the early 1900s and has declined further since the early 1990s. Juvenile production has varied without trend since the late 1980s.

In New York, recreational fishing on the Delaware River usually takes place from late April through early June, when shad move into the river to spawn. Changes to the daily creel limit would help reduce the amount of adult shad taken by recreational fishing in the New York waters of the Delaware and its tributaries. Pennsylvania has already initiated a regulation change consistent with the changes DEC is considering.

Public scoping meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, at the Port Jervis Council Chamber, 20 Hammond Street, Port Jervis in Orange County, and for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, at the Hancock Town Hall, 661 West Main Street, Hancock in Delaware County.

Following the input received at the meetings, DEC staff will discuss what changes may be formally proposed. Changes will likely be part of a proposed sportfishing regulation package being developed now and anticipated to be released later this summer. For further information regarding New York's current fishing regulations, please visit the DEC website at: .

For additional information on this meeting, please contact the Bureau of Marine Resources at (845)-256-3072, 845-256-3071 or .

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Bureau of Marine Resources at (845)-256-3072, 845-256-3071 or


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