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OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has issued corrections to the recently published 2009-2010 Fishing In Washington Sportfishing Rules Pamphlet.

Anglers are advised to update their copies of the fishing rules pamphlet, which became effective May 1, 2009. The pamphlet is available on WDFW's website at .

WDFW will provide additional updates and corrections as needed. For more information regarding these changes, call the Fish Program Customer Service at (360) 902-2700.


Page 44 - Humptulips River (Grays Harbor Co.) from mouth (Jessie Slough) to Ocean Beach Rd. (near Copalis Crossing).

Error: The Oct.1-Jan. 31 SALMON season incorrectly lists retention amount for CHINOOK.<br />
Correction: The retention limits in the additional rules for this season should read: Up to 2 adults may be retained of which only 1 may be a CHINOOK.

Page 44 - Humptulips River (Grays Harbor Co.) from Ocean Beach Rd. (near Copalis Crossing) to Hwy. 101 Bridge.<br />
Error: The Sept. 16-Sept. 30 and Oct.1-Jan. 31 SALMON seasons incorrectly list retention amount for CHINOOK.<br />
Correction: The retention limits in the additional rules for these seasons should read: Up to 2 adults may be retained of which only 1 may be a CHINOOK.

Page 74 - Columbia River from a true north and south line through Buoy 10 to a projected line from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to the navigation light at Tongue Point on the Oregon bank.<br />
Error: The Oct.1-Dec. 31 SALMON &amp; STEELHEAD season incorrectly lists retention limits for STEELHEAD.<br />
Correction: The retention limits in the additional rules for this season should read: Up to 3 may be adult hatchery COHO or hatchery STEELHEAD. Of these 3, only 2 may be hatchery STEELHEAD.

Page 77 - Columbia River from Priest Rapids Dam to Rocky Reach Dam.<br />
Error: The catch record designation for Rock Island was incomplete, and the code omitted.<br />
Correction: The catch record designation and code are: Rock Island to Rocky Reach Dam (541).

Page 79 - Klickitat River (Klickitat Co.) from 400' upstream from #5 fishway to boundary markers below Klickitat Salmon Hatchery.<br />
Error: The Aug.1-Oct. 31 SALMON season incorrectly lists retention rules for CHINOOK.<br />
Correction: The retention rules for this season should read: Up to 2 adult CHINOOK may be retained.

Page 93 - Sherry Lake (Stevens Co.)<br />
Error: This lake was omitted from the pamphlet.<br />
Correction: Sherry Lake should be listed. The season is: Last Sat. in April-Oct. 31. Statewide min. size/daily limit.

Page 121 - Budd Inlet Closure<br />
Error: This Marine Area 13 closure was written incorrectly.<br />
Correction: The Budd Inlet Closure is: waters of Budd Inlet at Olympia south of the Fourth Ave. Bridge are CLOSED to fishing year-round. July 16-Oct. 31: all contiguous waters between the Fourth Ave. Bridge and a line from the northwest corner of the Thriftway Market building to a point 100 yards north of the railroad bridge located on the western side of the inlet CLOSED to fishing for SALMON and BOTTOMFISH.

Media Contact<br />
Fish Program, (360) 902-2700


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