03-24-2009, 05:42 PM
[font "Arial"][size 2]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Just a Quickie[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Last 6 days things are looking up. Had some good anglers, hooking there own fish. The Disbury group caught 36 out of 47 bites in 3 days.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Last 3 days with the Shiffrerderker, bunch we had 30 bites and released 23. We also raised 2 Marlin one bite the other didn't, we missed the one that did. The water is getting better and I expect it to go off any day.Got a lot of things to do as we're fishing the next 7 days.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Work's coming right along on the 43 Merritt, so sometime this summer I'll be running a new Captain Hook, thats right getting my name back. Still have a few days in April and some time in May, if you can make it contact Casa Vieja Lodge.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] I see my name is still in some add's for the lodge I used to be with, It has been sold and has new owners. That's about all the info I can give you at this time.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Good Luck and Good Fishing Ron Finest Kind[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] [size 4]Casa Vieja Lodge[/size][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4]Guatemala [size 4][url "http://www.casaviejalodge.com/"]www.CasaViejaLodge.com[/url][/size][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4](866) 846-9121 123 N Krome Ave Suite 200 Homestead Florida 33030 [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4]mj@casaviejalodge.com[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Just a Quickie[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Last 6 days things are looking up. Had some good anglers, hooking there own fish. The Disbury group caught 36 out of 47 bites in 3 days.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Last 3 days with the Shiffrerderker, bunch we had 30 bites and released 23. We also raised 2 Marlin one bite the other didn't, we missed the one that did. The water is getting better and I expect it to go off any day.Got a lot of things to do as we're fishing the next 7 days.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Work's coming right along on the 43 Merritt, so sometime this summer I'll be running a new Captain Hook, thats right getting my name back. Still have a few days in April and some time in May, if you can make it contact Casa Vieja Lodge.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] I see my name is still in some add's for the lodge I used to be with, It has been sold and has new owners. That's about all the info I can give you at this time.[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] Good Luck and Good Fishing Ron Finest Kind[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2] [size 4]Casa Vieja Lodge[/size][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4]Guatemala [size 4][url "http://www.casaviejalodge.com/"]www.CasaViejaLodge.com[/url][/size][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4](866) 846-9121 123 N Krome Ave Suite 200 Homestead Florida 33030 [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 4]mj@casaviejalodge.com[/size][/font]