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tailing bones and large snook
Tailing bones and large Snook in winter 2009
I am a Florida native and do not like the cold…sometimes! This winter or what we consider winter here in paradise is normally windy cold gray skies and just plain out nasty or that’s how I see this time of year. This year it started a bit early back in October
It went through November with the first part of December warming up a bit. Now that we are in January and we are cooling off back to normal fishing has been real good from Cobia Bones Muttons and even large Snook the last week or so.
If you can find low water at mid day on a good clear day that is on a "warming" day you will find plenty of bones tailing and schooling on darker bottom, we did well the last couple of days catching 2 on fly over the weekend with plenty of more shots in South Bay.
On the outside we are catching a good amount of Mutton Snapper on the patch reefs, the largest was 10 lbs yesterday with a lot of action mixed in like sharks mackerel and grouper. We were fishing live ballyhoo we caught in our chum slick and pretty much had good action all day that kept us busy.
In Florida bay redfish are on the flats on incoming water on warm days but some days they are not eating very good and some days they are sitting in the mud not showing them selves however large Snook are numerous on the flats all you need to do is find clear water with nice potholes and thick grass you will find hungry fish, if you are fishing dirty water you will find Snook but most will be laid up under the grass and very spooky.
Steven Deutsch, Alli and Matthew Ammerman fished Flamingo with me on kind of a slow day but Matt connected with a nice 20lb 39 inch slob Snook fished on a popping cork with a "spaghetti" shrimp in a runoff near Snake Bite, nice job Matt! Also Allie and Steven boated some nice Sea Trout.
Out in the gulf there are plenty of Cobia and Triple Tail on the wrecks and crab pots, and I am expecting plenty of Tarpon to show back up on the next warming trend. They have been in White Water Bay in the usual spots for all you guys who fish it and know what I am talking about. These Tarpon have been waking on top on calm days and
If you find that you can bet they will eat a large colorful fly.
Stay warm and looking ahead to a good to great Tarpon season.
Capt. Jim Hale

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