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[mad] I hate 'em. I hate 'em. I HATE 'em! [mad]
Just when you think you have some tiny portion of fishing for them down pat, they will humiliate you so badly you want to do unspeakable things to the next one you catch!
Case in point: My daughter Jaki and I just got back from 5 days of fishing at the Gorge. Nice flat perfect jigging water for most all of the week. The first three days we fished on our own and although we didn't fill the boat with fish, we caught some and I did manage to land all but one fish that bonked my jig, and I had landed the last 2 that bonked me on my previous trip to the Gorge. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty cocky about my hooksets and my landed vs. hooked ratio.
Thursday we fished with Tarponjim and I landed the first hit that day. Confidence high! But then things went completely downhill. The rest of that day and Friday I got bonked over a dozen more times, some from stacks of obviously very big fish, and never got a hook into a single one! [  ] I hate 'em! [mad]
So it turns out I know nothing at all about catching them and all my lake trout gear is for sale. And I no longer believe in C&R for them either. Hook 'em and cook 'em! Every last one! I'm moving to someplace with crappie! [  ]
But on a happy note, Jaki kicked my sorry butt and landed her biggest ever, 23 pounds! So the trip was a great memory for my last lake trout trip ever.
Did I mention I hate 'em!
I suppose I can't give up yet. But every addict knows enough to curse the addiction once in a while! [  ]
Thanks again, Jim!
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I hate them too. All my stuff is for sale also. If you find anyone dumb enough to buy your stuff, tell them I've got a buch for sale too. I spent 5 days up there over the forth and did poorly.
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Hey IFG-
I don't think there is anyone stupid enough to buy all our stuff! [cool]
We saw lot of pictures that looked like this the last 2 days, and I still couldn't catch a decent fish!! At least Jaki knows what she's doing! Maybe I'll just give my stuff to her. [laugh]
![[Image: Screenshot2.jpg]](
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At least you guys found them stacked, every place we fished they were scattered with the exception of a few (secret) spots. The few that did hit were pups. Every hump from Antelope to Swim had someone on it or trolling over the top of it. A bad 3 days of Mack fishing. I think I'm going to take up catfishing, my sons been killing them on hotdogs, how freakin hard can that be?
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I think I'm going to take up catfishing, my sons been killing them on hotdogs, how freakin hard can that be?
IFG [/reply]
Can I come, too??
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Aaahhh! The highs and lows of terminal lake trout addiction. From hero to zero. Love 'em and hate 'em. We are not sane.
I must say though that Don has one of the most severe cases of Mack Fever I've ever seen or treated. The disease is out of control. He's a true, sick, lake trout massocist. He'll continue mack fishing just to endure the pain, torture, and frustration. He'll spend fortunes on gear, and devote countless hours, over and over again, for that one moment of glory. There's no cure, only treatment. All for that small glimmer of hope of catching another big one, only to let it go so it can once again taunt him.
He will drop his jig repeatedly, each time hoping that, "this is the one," only to be shunned by the fish or beat by it's speed and intelligence. Yes, he has all the symptoms, bad!
Don: I did enjoy our time out there, as always. Maybe you need a day on some 4 pounders to get back in the swing of things. The Mack God's aren't going to let anyone get on too much of a roll. The last two days must have been a "market correction" from last month.
See you at Blue Mesa and Turquoise!
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I'm over the pain. I figured out the problem, too. It had nothing to do with me.
It was Friday the Thirteenth! That's the explanation. So ..... I'm back! [cool][cool][cool]
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That's why we call it fishing and NOT catchin [  ]
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Honestly I dont like Lake Trout. They dont fight, they taste like crap (the big ones), they eat everything in the lake and they always start an argument on this board !!
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Whaddya mean, arguments? Lake trout controversy, on the Utah board? Say it isn't so.
Heck, if you want a fight, hook your line up to a friends car and have him drive off. (That'll pull some drag!) If you want to eat fish, go to a fish market or resturant. (though I hear native cutthroats from Flat Creek are tasty!) Do you hate bears, ospreys, herons, mergansers, and Japanese people too? (They eat the whole fish as well, any kind!) LOL [  ][  ][  ]
Ok, you are right though. They're fatty, lazy, vicious predators that make people crazy!
But, have you happened to look any deeper at Jackson L. for some bigger fish lately? Saw your post on the Wyo. board about catching all the pups trolling, and wondered if you've looked for any larger arches holding deeper than the pups. I haven't fished Jackson L. in a few years because I just can't bring myself to leave the rivers alone when I get up there (Salt, Snake, Flat Cr., Greys, etc.) I keep telling myself I need a change of scenery and fish, but every time I've headed that way this year, I couldn't leave the oars and flies behind and bring the motor and lead instead. If I bring both, I'd never make it to the lake.
I didn't ask this on the other board because they don't know how to argue as good there. [sly][sly][sly]
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I didn't ask this on the other board because they don't know how to argue as good there. [sly][sly][sly] [/reply]
ROTFLMAO! [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
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[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3] Tell your daughter that is a nice fish and congrats! I don't hate the Lake Trout as much as I do rabbits, they are what caused me to hurt my back so I can't fish for the Lakers this summer. But if it were not for that I would hate them too right now.LMAO[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3] [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3] AS for the arguing thing we might not argue much on our board but that don't mean we don't know how. I think this Wyoming boy has made plenty of the Utah folks not care too much for my uneducated, ignorant, and just plain stupid discussions[ ]. LOL Just kidding[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3] [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3] Later All and be safe out there!!!!![/size][/#808000][/font]
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Jim, Friday was only the third time I have been fishing since Memorial day. Way too much work!! I only fished for 2 hours so I really have'nt put any time in looking deeper. Someone caught a 42 pounder a couple of weeks ago...trolling flatfish.
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You're more than welcome to come. Since I retire in 12 days, I'm thinking of starting my own fishing company. "IFG air boat for Carp on the fly", I know it's not a sexy name like Jim's, but at least someone would catch a fish. Please don't tell my Mom I know anything about flyfishing, she would be so ashamed.
She thinks I work at at gay bar in Nevada.
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that is july on the gorge I hate it to maybe we could sell all are mac junk and go with jim to the key's and catch some real fish lmfao I hate em to man. Don true what thay say ugly bull good looking calf lol.ash
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Don true what thay say ugly bull good looking calf lol.ash [/reply]
LOL Too true!! [  ]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Well, I was wondering how you did! I've been without the internet for 4 days now so I've been anxiously waiting to see. I was trying to get a free connection on somebody's unsecure wireless network but folks are getting too smart these days. No, nada, zip![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I hate suckin' macks too. That's why I'm going to try and get up there in a few weeks. Maybe Jim's right. Pups; just to rip lips and get the "snap" back in sync.[/size][/black][/font]
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from buckboard all the way to the pipe has a ton of pup's and my buddy caught a limit of pup's in the henry's yesterday. couple more week's and the burbot will be eating koke egg's and thay should be easy to catch again so u can do some burbot and some bedded koke's.ash
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Sweet thread, some truly classic comments. Sounds like there is no cure, only treatment as Jim said. So you just better keep gettin lots of good treatment! Tight lines
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Spoken like a true addict, bluefishon! [cool]