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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I just purchased a new 24 volt, 65 lb thrust Minn Kota PowerDrive electric motor (not the V2). At $544 sales price with no shipping or sales tax, it was a steal. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]My question concerns the Minn Kota CoPilot wireless system. Has anyone used this? What do you think? What are the pros and cons of it's operation or components? With a price tag of $119 to $179, I want to hear a few opinions from those who have used them. I can see big benefits for the type of fishing I do. The price doesn't scare me if it's worth the cash. Thanks for any info you may have.[/size][/black][/font]
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Rich, my Minn Kota has it, along with AutoPilot. With my boat being closed bow I didn't want to have to run extra long cables, so I decided to go wireless. Both the AutoPilot and CoPilot have worked flawlessly for me. Having the freedom of not being tied to a corded pedal has made using it a pleasure, and having the boat continue in a straight path (AutoPilot does this), when I am busy and can't tend the boat is also a great aid.
PS -- congrats on the great price!
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Where'd you find the system for $119? I'm going to need that system for my older (pre v2) motors pretty soon, as my custom-made corded controls are wearing out, and the guy who made 'em has stopped and can't get parts. Minn Kota also stopped production of the corded controls last year, and I'm not seeing any on ebay.
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Hey BLM, I seperately purchased the Co-Pilot for my new PowerDrive V2 that I put on the boat this winter. It made it one trip and I took it off and sent it back. The signal did not get from the foot pedal to the motor all the time. I called MinnKota about it and they said that it is still a problem they are having and it might be awhile before it is all the way worked out. Which is frustrating when youre fishing the way we do. Also the little handheld thing that you can get also is nothing to brag about either.
I am not a fan of the 18' cord all over the boat but it has yet to fail me, so for now I will deal with the cord. I think the technology is good I just think we are a year or two out before I would be willing to try again.
Hope this helps
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Hey BLM you say not the V2. I was looking at the V2 and was considering getting it. Now im concerned should I keep looking or whats your reasoning for not getting it. I dont want to spend $5-600.00 and be disappointed.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]The PowerDrive motor I bought is being discontinued so it went on sale. Also I have to have a 60" shaft and they are not in big demand so another reason they were on sale. I saved close to $100 plus I got free shipping and no sales tax. All good reasons to go with the discontinued, sales priced motor.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I believe the V2 is the newer version of the PowerDrive I bought. The same motor in the V2 is $630 retail. I'm sure they are a great motor.[/size][/black][/font]
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I'm with Jim, where $119.00 for the CoPilot, I've got the same motor. It is sweet when trying to hold the boat fairly steady against some breeze, also good for cruising a long bank and casting, you don't have to correct your heading constantly.
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Just to explain myself a little further about the Powerdrive (I have recieved some PM's asking questions).
I have the PowerDrive V2 70# thrust and the Autopilot feature.
The AutoPilot feature is where you can point the motor in the direction you want to go and it will automatically stear the motor to keep the boat in that direction. It also has the capability to either have constant motor running or momentary motor running which requires you to hit the foot pedal to turn the thing on and once you release the pedal it turns off. It also has speed control that can be adjusted to control the speed of the motor. All of this is hooked up through a wire connected foot control pedal.
Now the Co-Pilot sytstem that BLM is asking about is an additional system that can be added to the motor and all it replaces is the wired foot control. It takes the wiriing out of the picture and the foot pedal is now sending signals through radio frequencies to control the motor. They also make a smaller device that can be placed on you pole, belt or wrist that does the same thing as the foot pedal. It is not a bad system because it eliminates a tripping hazard by having a cord strung around the boat. The problem I had with mine is the motor did not always recieve the signal from the foot pedal or the hand held device. This is a problem when you need precise boat control like I do. So thats why I took it off and am now dealing with the cord.
I do love the Powerdrive V2 model though and I have friends that have the older Powerdrive motors and they are rather reliable. The main problem with any electric is the foot pedal they will wear out before anything else will.
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I bought this about 4 yr ago for my motor on my toon. Its awsome because the remote comes with a mount for your rod. I'm able to steer, throttle all with a push of a thumb with out taking my hand of my rod. Never got to turn around to use my motor. Sure make a cool remote boat to. Stand on the shore and troll around if you want. Apprx 200 ft range never had to replace the batteries in the remote but I have lost one and had to buy a new one (20 bucks). Everbody I meet with my toon loves it but I guess the cost is what detour so many because I've never seen the same set up have any of you?
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Hey BLM,
I've had that system for about three years or so. Since it first came out. Love it. Wouldn't trade it for all the foot pedals on earth. Works great. You can have the remote on your wrist and be fighting a fish all the way around the boat, and keep control of the boat. I have an extra remote, so if I'm not paying attention, or changing lures, or taking a nap, my fishing buddy in the back of the boat can keep control.
Multiple remotes can be set up easy. Just push the little white button on the side of the co-pilot, while pushing a button on the remote.
The batteries in the remote last for years.
I don't have a single complaint about the system. Works great,reliable, and easy to use.
Don't let anybody else set their remote to your frequency.
We set my buddy Scott's remote up for my motor one time. Can't remember why. Now, every time I run into him at the lake, he likes to steer me in circles.
Take care,
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[size 1]Don't let anybody else set their remote to your frequency.
We set my buddy Scott's remote up for my motor one time. Can't remember why. Now, every time I run into him at the lake, he likes to steer me in circles. [/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Now that's funny stuff! Thanks for your info. I'm about ready to buy it and getting the extra remote makes a lot of sense. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Thank you, everyone for all the great info. If anyone has any additional info or just wants to add to this informative thread, by all means. do it![/size][/black][/font]
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I have the same motor and it has worked great exept the auto pilot. when the waves get big and you really need it to hold your path it will mess up because it woks off of a compass the steering gets lost when the bow is moving up and down radically. The co-pilot saves the day every day. I have never had a problem with my hand held i wear it on a rope around my neck so it is alwys there. I also will use it while trolling with my kicker. Set the kicker to move forward and steer with my co-pilot.takes the place of a remote troll.
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Hey Jim, when we fished with you, you were saying that you had another control that was old and about wore out also. If you want, I can get that one from you and I should be able to locate the parts sence I work in a elec place. I have lots of parts avaliable and order catalogs for hard to get parts. later chuck
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Ya, I was thinking the same thing with his handheld unit. I'll bet you could just buy all new components and have it as good as new. I can't imagine it being that expensive or exotic. I know a couple guys that tinker with that kind of stuff and could probably figure it out.[/size][/black][/font]
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I've replaced the toggle switches that control the steering several times, and have a bunch of extra toggle switches. 7 wires connect that. The on/off switch is simple. The rheostat is what the maker can't find. Also, the plastic boxes the whole thing fits into he can't get. I have one dead controller at the moment, one teetering, and two that still work.
I've been wearing out the toggle switch in about a year. The rheostats have lasted several years. The on/off switch I've never killed. All the plastic boxes that hold the whole mess together have weathered a bit and cracked.
Also, you need an 18-foot cord for the minn kota motor. I have all the cords for my controls, plus several that are on brand new foot pedals I've never used.
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[#005028]I've got one.....Works great if you'r dropshotting or casting in the back of the boat up against a rocky shoreline......The movement is a little herky-jerky, but you will get used to it.[/#005028]
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Driving to Strawberry today I was thinking about my trolling motor setup. And a benefit to the copilot is that the remote can be held or mounted upside down. Making right=left and left=right. What the you say! The thing is I have a powerdrive trolling motor. Which I bought and set up for my toon/ stern drive vs bow drive. My shaft is short[  ](no pun intended) so on my new boat I couldn't bow mount went stern instead.
Works awesome![cool]