06-18-2006, 12:20 PM
yes you read the title right,after 4 weeks of tring to get out there we finally made it.it was sunny,the water was flat as a pancake.when we got to watch hill we stopped to see which way the drift was,it took us toward the pink house so we decieded to make a long drift.on my first drop i landed an 18 inch fluke, a nice way to start,then nothing for a while.i switched to a white mario rig,.the marrio rig dose good in rhode island for some reason,then we got into the skates.after landing 3 in a row we powered up and moved to the group of boats.some guys were doing good others not,it was a definate that you had to be hitting them on the head,we ended the day with 22 shorts,13 skateand 1 keeper there.we left at 2.on the way back we stopped at the mistic river.had a great drift again we landed a bunch of shorts,i had a large spider crab,then joe landed a 23 inch fluke which ended the day