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Causey 01-26-03
Went up to Causey this morning as part of "Man's Day 2003".

Got there about 7:30 AM. not a lot of people there and the ice was SLICK. Very little if any slush or snow, more like a skating rink. Ice was a solid 12 inches everywhere I drilled, about 15 holes[crazy].

Fished various spots around the dam and the middle finger. Only luck came from the middle finger, where we caught about 4 Splake all around 12 inches on green rat finkees tipped with crawlers.

The weather was AWESOME!! By 10:00 I was down to just my sweatshirt, blue skies, no wind and a few fish made for a great morning of fishing. Now to finish Man's Day 2003 and take a cat nap and watch the SUper Bowl.
aree, a manily day indeed , i went to the foote dam today for some steelhead action , finaly left when i was breaking the icecycles off my fingers ! the only thing biteing was the wind .

above the dam they were catching huge pike and walleyes ,the pike were averageing around 33" , one of the marble eyes was a whopping 27 3/4 inches , man i should have taken the shanty with me .

there was one jerk out there in his car doing donuts and power slides on the ice

enjoy the superbowl , 80 degrees , i just wanna see 8 degrees so i can wear a t shirt !


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