11-27-2005, 03:11 PM
the property i hunt is divided by a small river,in the past i can crossby just wearing my hunting boots,but when we get rain,i either have to stay on on side or bring my hip waders.this year i can up with a idea,black trash bags,easy to carry in my pocket.the other day we had a inch of rain,the place where i cross came up about a foot.i put the bags on,wrapped the excess around my leg a tied them obove my knee,made the crossing,took them off,compeatly dry,put them on the ground,and placed a rock on them .did the hunt,came back put them on crossed,a little water this time,but still dry.the next day i tried useing the same bags,the first trip not bad pants were a little wet,the second trip,i tied off some holes.not bad.i recomend only one round trip with a set of bags,you must be carefull the plastic is slippery on rock