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Stearns Wharf Fishing Report 7/8/05
We went to Stearns Wharf to check out the local action.

There wasn't a whole lot biting except for a few pesky sea dogs and a few crabs.

On the other side of the Pier, there were a few Spiny Dogfish coming up. Male and female dogfish.

Our catch for the day consisted of 1 Sugar Starfish, 6 rock crabs, and 1 new type that I am getting an ID on.

We left the pier around Midnight.[cool]
hmmm i usually dont get dogfish at stearns. maybe its cuz ur fishing at night..
if u want bats and leopards(when its warmer) i usually fish when the mackeral are running. just catch your bait fresh and use tails or big chucks. i personally use 100# leader with 2 4/0 live bait hooks or a live bait and a big treble. i use only sliding rigs.
squid also works, but fresh mackeral has more scent. frozen works, but its softer and mushier.
I concur on the fresh mackerel. I use it quite a bit when I have fresh on hand. Other than that I use whole squid.

My rig is usualy 20lb test with a 45 to 90lb steel leader with a 3oz sliding egg sinker incorporated into it. I use a single 4/0 circle hook.[cool]

Your rig is cool too.[Smile]

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