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Whacky Sportfishers News
Hey there guys,

Here's two recent events that qualify for Off-the-wall news.

1) Drunk Moron takes cattleboat on joyride. Yep the Sea----- was taken over by a drunken deckhand and took off with two other deckhands on board. The perp is so big the other guys can't stop him from shoving off and playing dodge 'em with other boats in the vicinity.

2) One captain operating the Persuit decides to kill three sea lions in front of customers, one or two (humans) of, which were undercover agents investigating allegations he was shooting sea lions previously. Doh! The idiot was arrested at the dock upon returning from the Catalina trip of his lifetime. ha ha ha Score : Sea lions: 3 dead, Captain: dead meat!

Awaiting further wild news from the sporties.

That 1st one sounds like a bunch of morons for sure. The second one, I heard about when I was on the Pursuit a couple of weeks ago. It sounded kind of crazy at the time but I guess some people don't play with a full deck in the first place.[pirate]

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