06-12-2004, 11:29 PM
Well what a day for the kids !
We were greeted at the event by Greg Abbas of A-way hunting products and the T.V. show of the same name that airs on the "OUTDOOR CHANNEL" mondays at 1:30 am , wendsdays at 12 pm , and thursdays at 7 pm .
Greg , his father Fred and their wonderfull staff made all that came feel like they were family and good friends . Unlike other sponsored programs I have attended not once did they try to promote their products to the public , this was for the kids . Children have enough commercialism in their lives , this day was dedicated twards developing a healthy attitude in emerging young minds .
As in the true sence of sportsmanship we did not come to take prises for ourselves , but to help out in the effort to promote the encouragement of youngsters intrests in our outdoor heritage . These gifts were donated by Mike H. alias "TheAngler" and the "Lonehunter " family .
We arrived to late to enter the fishing compitition that yeilded ample prises to all the participants , awards were given even to those junior master angler's with 2" sized monster bass , you just can't beat the

Some of the exhibits were Bill Youder's deer , Bill as you know was gored by one of his own bucks a few years back and counts each day as living beyond his time . Bill treated each and every child as if it were his own grandchild , truley he is a remarkible fellow .
A live birds of prey exibit was also there for the kids and adults to marvel at . Falcons, hawks , owls and eagles were represented at the display and belive me , the children had a million and one questions about the winged hunters of the air .
The taxidermy exhibit was a thrill . Greg of Mitchell's taxidermy not only demonstrated his skills as an acomplished artist in his feild but, stoped to chat with youngsters on how he does it using the same skills they are now learning in school .
The motorcity madman , Ted Nugent was unable to attend todays event but , he did send his hummer with a few of his friends . The "Doc" and a character artist "John Rios" were a few of the many helpers from the Kamp for kids program we have all heard about .
Topbow archery of Gladwin gave each and every child and adult personal instruction in the ease and use of a compound bow . Fishingirl2 hit the 3-d aligator right in the quarter sized bull'seye on her very first shot ! Topbow also sponsored a 3-d shooting compitition for all that brought their own equipment to shoot with . The engraved first place trophy was awarded to a young lad just tall enough to peek over a countertop . Not bad at all concidering he beat a man in his early 40's for first place .
Greg and Fred's helpfull crew instructed the pee wee croud in the use of a rubberband rifle and a sponge tiped longbow . The little hunters were thrilled at their shots bagging a 3-d tom and a black bear .
Next in the events was the program to start the youth off with proper gun saftey . The featured represinative was none other than Eddie the Eagle from the N.R.A. and his interpriter Greg Abbas . Fishingirl2 helped with the demonstration by reading the basic rules a child should know .
Yes all those youngsters were very eager to participate with Eddie and Rick .
Next was the turkey calling instructions by Greg , he made this a very interestion presintation to young and old alike . You have got to hear about his turkey hunt with his dad Fred , I myself laughed pritty hard at that one . Fishingirl2 helped with the demonstration and then all junior hunters were given personal instruction by Greg .
Next was the "Say no to drugs and alcohol " with the "Doc" from Ted Negunt's Kamp for kids , once again fishingirl2 was eager to help with the demonstrations .
Then came the free drawings , Fishingirl2 in her glory was chosen to help in the drawing of names from that point on . The item most people wanted was the black bear mount donated by Greg , followed by the bear skull and the donated black bear hunt for a junior hunter .
All the children left with a prise from the event , concidering this is the first time this program was held here i think everyone that attended were more than thankfull that these sportspersons cared enough about todays youth to give of their time and money twards one of our nation's greatest treasure , our children .
My personal thanks to them all, great job people , great job !!