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[size 3]Tell me about drift boats. I was taking the "back roads" up to Jackson Hole and drove by a place in Idaho that must manufacture them. I had never really considered them before or have ridden in one. I was mostly curious about their shape -the high pointed ends and crescent gunnels - and how that is preferred for drifting river fishing. What's been your experience? [/size]
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the design of the drift boat pointed at both ends aids with wind resistance and keeps the boat drifting down river with out spinning in the currents.
the drift boat is a half breed between boat and canoe.... it has the disierabilities of both. it gives you the capasity of a boat and airodynamics of the canoe. with the flat bottom of the drift boat it dose not tend to rise in the curents as would the bowled or "V" botoms boats so the events of nose diving is a regular acurence on turbulent waters, the high nose on either end acts as both a cutting in to the current and a splash gaurd from riding in the rollers. these boats sit lower in the water than other boats hence the need for higher points to prevent nose or tail diving in a wave
I am sure I havent covered every thing about them but hope this helps.