04-12-2002, 09:14 PM
April 8, 2002<br><br>Commission Changes Fish Landing Rule<br><br>AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved a rule change April 4 to clarify that all fish landed in Texas or<br>possessed in Texas waters must conform to Texas' size and bag limits.<br>The change was needed to deal with confusion and lack of enforceability when anglers landed in Texas with fish that would fall under<br>Louisiana bag and size limits.<br>Texas currently has a reciprocal agreement with Louisiana that allows anglers to legally fish in common border waters such as Toledo<br>Bend Reservoir and Sabine Lake with either state license. That agreement was not changed by the Commission action.<br>However, one of the concerns that had developed with a reciprocal agreement, particularly in Sabine Lake, was that it was being<br>interpreted to allow anglers to take both Texas and Louisiana limits of fish in the same day.<br>The change to the rule should benefit Texas by reestablishing equity among all Texas anglers and should also improve fish populations<br>by reducing excess harvesting, according to TPW.<br>In briefing the Commission, Coastal Fisheries Division Director Hal Osburn noted that most of the problems associated with this issue<br>started in Sabine Lake.<br>"Texas managers have had an interest in improving Sabine Lake fish populations, particularly flounder," Osburn said. "Previously, 23<br>percent of the flounder landed from Sabine Lake were under the Texas minimum size limit of 14 inches. This rule change will largely<br>end that harvest and should result in increased spawning success for recovering flounder populations," he said.<br>He noted that Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida all have similar landing laws and this Commission action makes Texas<br>consistent with other Gulf Coast States.<br>Last year, TPW outreach efforts showed nearly 80 percent of Sabine Lake anglers would support the rule change.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher <*(())))))))))>{<br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/</A>