03-06-2004, 08:14 PM
[size 3]Red River Angler's Guide [/size]
The Red River of the North - Best of the Best - Trophy Catfish and a Whole Lot More Produced by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the North Dakota Game and Fish Department When the who's who of catfish angling talk about channel catfish, the Red River leads the pack. The Red River is internationally known for its trophy-sized channel catfish. The area from Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Minnesota, north to Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is prime catfish territory. In recent years, European and Australian anglers have been attracted to the Red River fishery, not because of catfish, but because of carp! Yes, carp are a highly desirable game fish in many parts of the world. Carp were brought to North America because of the demands of early European settlers. The world is getting smaller. You may be fishing next to an angler who traveled thousands of miles to fish this river. Fishing is big business The Red River fishery generates millions of dollars of tourist activity. Fishing activity on a 10-mile stretch of the Red River near Selkirk, Manitoba, adds about $10-$12 million annually to the local economy. A 1994 survey of the U.S. section of the river estimated that about $2 million was spent on fishing-related activities during a four-month period. Riparian lands Good land stewardship practices within watersheds, and especially on land next to streams, rivers, lakes, and ditches, benefit not only adjacent waters but also downstream areas as well. Some of the benefits are bank stabilization, flood control, improved water quality, and wildlife habitat. Leaves, bark, and wood entering the water provide valuable habitat for invertebrates, insects, fish, and other wildlife. Trees, snags, and large woody debris along the stream bank and in the channel provide current breaks, shade, ambush sites, spawning substrate, and cover for fish. Anglers benefit because fish congregate around good habitat. Riparian lands function as flood plains to reduce downstream flooding, and as buffer strips to remove sediment, chemicals, and trash. Protecting a natural stream corridor is like putting money in the bank. And, yes, the fish you eat will have fewer chemicals in their flesh. Fisheries Management on the Red River The Red River Fisheries Technical Committee was formed in 1989 to manage shared fish stocks in the Red River. Fisheries professionals from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the Canadian province of Manitoba are represented on the committee. Goals of the committee: [ol] [li]To determine the status of the fish populations, [li]To determine necessary management options to protect the fish stocks, [li]To develop standardized fisheries assessment methodology, and, [li]To develop an action plan for future management on the Red River. [/li][/ol] One of the first actions of the committee was to institute special regulations to protect channel catfish. The regulations were prompted by complaints from anglers that catfish quality was declining because of excessive harvest of large catfish. A reduced possession limit of five catfish, with only one allowed over 24 inches, was put in place prior to the 1990 fishing season. In 1990, Minnesota and North Dakota conducted a river-wide assessment of catfish. More than 6,800 channel catfish were sampled in the Red River and four of its tributaries. More than 3,000 catfish were tagged as part of a study conducted by a graduate student at the University of North Dakota. The information gained from these initial studies laid the ground work for present management of channel catfish. In 1994, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Section of Fisheries conducted a recreational-use survey of the Red River and the Red Lake River to determine angler use and expectations, harvest by species, and economic benefits. In 1995, the Minnesota DNR repeated the population assessment using the methods developed in 1990. This year, 1997, the committee funded a catfish radio-telemetry study to identify critical habitats, such as spawning and wintering sites, and to assess how fish utilize in-stream habitat on a daily basis. The committee is attempting to standardize regulations on the Red River to make fishing the border more user friendly. Minnesota trespass law: Ask first. Always ask for permission before entering private land. Unless the DNR has purchased an access easement from the landowner, you may not trespass on privately owned lake or stream shorelines without permission. North Dakota trespass law: Ask first. Always required to enter private land that is posted. It is recommended that you always get permission to enter private land that is not posted. Trespassing is a misdemeanor in both Minnesota and North Dakota. If you are convicted of violating trespass laws, your fishing privilege may be revoked. All conservation officers and peace officers enforce trespass laws. Low-head dams on the Red River -- Danger! Drowning Machines The Red River has eight low-head dams, and many of its tributaries have them as well. Low-head dams are so dangerous they are called drowning machines because, as water rolls over the dam, it creates an hydraulic current that pulls objects back to the face of the dam and to the bottom of the stream. Anglers should be aware of low-head dams, and keep a safe distance away from them. Whether on shore or in a boat, do not enter the restrictive zones associated with low-head dams for any purpose. Low-head dams are found near the following cities: [ul] [li]Wahpeton-Breckenridge [li]Wolverton, N. Dak. [li]Hickson, N. Dak. [li]Fargo-Moorhead (3) [li]Grand Forks-East Grand Forks [li]Drayton, N. Dak. [/li][/ul] Catch and Release The Red River and several of its tributaries possess a high quality fishery. Channel catfish, northern pike, sauger, walleye, smallmouth bass, and carp are present, many of them trophy size. Muskies are present in low numbers, but large fish have been sampled in recent years. Anglers are encouraged to release medium-to-large fish of all species to maintain the high quality fishery. Almost all fish correctly played, landed, and released will survive. Studies by natural resources agencies have shown survival rates of between 70-100 percent for released fish. To ensure that the fish you release survive, follow these simple guidelines: [ol] [li]Use barbless hooks, [li]Set the hook quickly, [li]Play the fish quickly, [li]Hold the fish firmly, but gently while removing the hook, [li]Use a needle nose pliers to remove the hooks, [li]Cut the line if the fish is throat-hooked, and, [li]Gently slide the fish into the water. [/li][/ol] For more information on catch and release, ask for a copy of An Angler's Guide to Catch and Release from a Minnesota DNR fisheries office. Fishes of the Red River The Red River is home to a diverse, quality fish community. Researchers have identified more than 50 species. Channel Catfish Channel catfish are the most common game fish within the Red River and its tributaries. They are slow growing and do not attain 30 inches in length until they are teenagers. Some channel catfish have been aged at 24 years old, and they can grow to more than 30 pounds. Natural reproduction is adequate to sustain a world class fishery. Because catfish are at the northern extent of their range, sexual development requires a huge investment in energy. To compensate for this high-energy demand, some Red River catfish do not spawn every year. Channel catfish average size increase as one moves downstream. The Red River tagging study showed that most catfish movement is localized, although some fish travel large distances (up to 300 miles). Low-head dams on the river inhibit fish movement, but some tagged catfish were able to move around dams during high-flow periods. Catfish utilize Red River tributary streams for spawning, nursery, and adult life stages. Muskellunge Reports of anglers catching muskies on the Red River are becoming more common. A large muskie was reportedly caught in 1993, while two smaller fish were reportedly caught in September, 1994. The Minnesota DNR, Section of Fisheries, sampled two muskies during a 1995 population assessment. The two robust fish were approximately 20 lbs. and 28 lbs. Please report muskie catches to a local fisheries office, along with a photo if possible. Muskies spawn when the water temperature reaches 48-59 degrees, about two weeks after northern pike. They usually spawn a second time about 14 days following the first spawn. The eggs of a muskie are not adhesive as are those of northern pike. Muskie eggs settle to the bottom and hatch in about 20 days. The diet of a muskie is similar to that of that of the northern pike. Northern pike Northern pike are common throughout the Red River watershed. Specimens as large as 45 inches were sampled during the 1995 assessment netting. There are several strong year classes of northern pike in the population now. Anglers can expect good fishing for them in years to come. Northern pike spawn as soon as tributaries are free of ice (33-45 degrees). They spawn in wetlands and flooded vegetation within the floodplain. Northern pike will move up watersheds until they encounter a barrier. It is not uncommon to hear of them being stranded in ditches and fields after moving up through farm tile. The female randomly deposits her sticky eggs on submerged vegetation. Northern pike eggs hatch in about two weeks. The fry feed on plankton and then invertebrates but soon switch to a diet of fish. They grow to a length of 8-12 inches during their first year and live 10-12 years, often exceeding 20 pounds. Pike feed on a variety of fish species. Smallmouth bass Smallmouth bass exceeding four pounds are present in the upstream areas of the Red River from Breckenridge-Wahpeton to Grand Forks. They are abundant in the lower reaches of the Red Lake River downstream from Thief River Falls, Minn. (the smallmouth bass fishing is really good[cool]) Smallmouth bass were introduced to the Red Lake River in the early 1980s to provide a game fish for the high quality rock-riffle areas between Thief River Falls and East Grand Forks. Today, there is a self-sustaining population. Smallmouth bass continue to expand their range within the Red River. They are also present in the Otter Tail River between Schmidt's bridge and Orwell Dam near Fergus Falls, Minn. Smallmouth bass spawn in late May to late June. The male builds a nest for the female to deposit her eggs and defends the nest and young until they are able to feed on their own. Best year classes are produced during years of moderate to low flow. Smallmouth bass feed on insects, fish, frogs and crayfish. Fresh-water drum (sheepshead, croaker, thunder-pumper) Fresh-water drum are common in the main stem of the Red River and the lower reaches of the larger tributaries. Downstream reaches possess the largest individuals. The drum has a special set of muscles it vibrates against its swim bladder to produce a loud drumming or croaking sound for which they are named. Drum are bottom feeders. They eat insects, small fish, crayfish, and small clams. Drum spawn in early-to-late June. Spawning occurs in open water, and the eggs are broadcast over the stream bottom. Croaking or drumming can be heard with regularity during the spawn. Sauger Sauger are abundant in the lower reaches of the Red River downstream from Grand Forks. They grow to lengths of about 16 inches in the Red River. Sauger spawn in mid-to-late May over clean gravel substrate. Recruitment is stable in the Red River, with many year classes present. They feed on minnows, insects, and crayfish. Sauger are excellent eating. Bullheads Black and brown bullheads are common within the watershed. Brown bullheads inhabit areas with better water quality than do black bullheads. Bullheads build a nest to spawn in, and the male defends it from intruders. Spawning usually takes place during May and June. Bullheads are omnivores, eating any food item. Their diet may include worms, minnows, snails, clams, frogs, crayfish, and even vegetation on occasion. Bullheads are easy to catch and tasty to eat, usually as a smoked fish. Walleye Walleye are common throughout the Red River and its larger tributaries. Fish as large as 12-13 pounds are caught each year. Walleye spawn in late April to mid May over clean gravel and rock, or over clam beds The female randomly deposits her sticky eggs on the gravel and rock. Eggs hatch in about three weeks. Red River walleye grow fast, and recruitment into the population is stable, with many year classes present. Walleye feed on fish, worms, insects, and crayfish. Walleye are excellent eating. Goldeye and mooneye Goldeye and mooneye are common in the Red River and the lower reaches of its larger tributaries. Goldeye are abundant in the downstream reaches of the Red River, while mooneye are more abundant in the upstream reaches. Goldeye and mooneye spawn in June, broadcasting their eggs along the bottom. They feed on a variety of insects, small fish, crayfish, and small clams. Goldeye and mooneye are a very important forage for large predator fish such as channel catfish, walleye, and northern pike. Anglers catch goldeye and mooneye for bait or to eat, usually smoked. Carp Carp are common in the Red River and downstream from major fish barriers on its tributaries. Carp spawn in early May through late June, broadcasting their eggs over flooded vegetation. Carp are exceptional fighters and good table fare. Anglers from Europe and Australia come to Manitoba waters of the Red River to fish this untapped resource. Lake sturgeon Lake sturgeon were common in the Red River and several of its tributary streams in the early 1900s. They have been caught from headwater streams such as the Roseau, Red Lake, Wild Rice, Cheyenne, Pelican, and Otter Tail rivers. As the Red River Valley was settled and developed and rivers were dammed and polluted, sturgeon numbers declined. Today, there may be only a few remnant individuals in the Red River system. Two fish were reportedly caught during 1994, but there have been no documented reports of sturgeon from the Red River or its tributaries in recent years. There is no open angling season for lake sturgeon on the Red River. Manitoba, Minnesota, and North Dakota are developing a joint management plan to increase the number of lake sturgeon in the Red River. You can help this effort by reporting historic and present day observations of lake sturgeon. [signature]
The Red River of the North - Best of the Best - Trophy Catfish and a Whole Lot More Produced by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the North Dakota Game and Fish Department When the who's who of catfish angling talk about channel catfish, the Red River leads the pack. The Red River is internationally known for its trophy-sized channel catfish. The area from Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Minnesota, north to Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is prime catfish territory. In recent years, European and Australian anglers have been attracted to the Red River fishery, not because of catfish, but because of carp! Yes, carp are a highly desirable game fish in many parts of the world. Carp were brought to North America because of the demands of early European settlers. The world is getting smaller. You may be fishing next to an angler who traveled thousands of miles to fish this river. Fishing is big business The Red River fishery generates millions of dollars of tourist activity. Fishing activity on a 10-mile stretch of the Red River near Selkirk, Manitoba, adds about $10-$12 million annually to the local economy. A 1994 survey of the U.S. section of the river estimated that about $2 million was spent on fishing-related activities during a four-month period. Riparian lands Good land stewardship practices within watersheds, and especially on land next to streams, rivers, lakes, and ditches, benefit not only adjacent waters but also downstream areas as well. Some of the benefits are bank stabilization, flood control, improved water quality, and wildlife habitat. Leaves, bark, and wood entering the water provide valuable habitat for invertebrates, insects, fish, and other wildlife. Trees, snags, and large woody debris along the stream bank and in the channel provide current breaks, shade, ambush sites, spawning substrate, and cover for fish. Anglers benefit because fish congregate around good habitat. Riparian lands function as flood plains to reduce downstream flooding, and as buffer strips to remove sediment, chemicals, and trash. Protecting a natural stream corridor is like putting money in the bank. And, yes, the fish you eat will have fewer chemicals in their flesh. Fisheries Management on the Red River The Red River Fisheries Technical Committee was formed in 1989 to manage shared fish stocks in the Red River. Fisheries professionals from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the Canadian province of Manitoba are represented on the committee. Goals of the committee: [ol] [li]To determine the status of the fish populations, [li]To determine necessary management options to protect the fish stocks, [li]To develop standardized fisheries assessment methodology, and, [li]To develop an action plan for future management on the Red River. [/li][/ol] One of the first actions of the committee was to institute special regulations to protect channel catfish. The regulations were prompted by complaints from anglers that catfish quality was declining because of excessive harvest of large catfish. A reduced possession limit of five catfish, with only one allowed over 24 inches, was put in place prior to the 1990 fishing season. In 1990, Minnesota and North Dakota conducted a river-wide assessment of catfish. More than 6,800 channel catfish were sampled in the Red River and four of its tributaries. More than 3,000 catfish were tagged as part of a study conducted by a graduate student at the University of North Dakota. The information gained from these initial studies laid the ground work for present management of channel catfish. In 1994, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Section of Fisheries conducted a recreational-use survey of the Red River and the Red Lake River to determine angler use and expectations, harvest by species, and economic benefits. In 1995, the Minnesota DNR repeated the population assessment using the methods developed in 1990. This year, 1997, the committee funded a catfish radio-telemetry study to identify critical habitats, such as spawning and wintering sites, and to assess how fish utilize in-stream habitat on a daily basis. The committee is attempting to standardize regulations on the Red River to make fishing the border more user friendly. Minnesota trespass law: Ask first. Always ask for permission before entering private land. Unless the DNR has purchased an access easement from the landowner, you may not trespass on privately owned lake or stream shorelines without permission. North Dakota trespass law: Ask first. Always required to enter private land that is posted. It is recommended that you always get permission to enter private land that is not posted. Trespassing is a misdemeanor in both Minnesota and North Dakota. If you are convicted of violating trespass laws, your fishing privilege may be revoked. All conservation officers and peace officers enforce trespass laws. Low-head dams on the Red River -- Danger! Drowning Machines The Red River has eight low-head dams, and many of its tributaries have them as well. Low-head dams are so dangerous they are called drowning machines because, as water rolls over the dam, it creates an hydraulic current that pulls objects back to the face of the dam and to the bottom of the stream. Anglers should be aware of low-head dams, and keep a safe distance away from them. Whether on shore or in a boat, do not enter the restrictive zones associated with low-head dams for any purpose. Low-head dams are found near the following cities: [ul] [li]Wahpeton-Breckenridge [li]Wolverton, N. Dak. [li]Hickson, N. Dak. [li]Fargo-Moorhead (3) [li]Grand Forks-East Grand Forks [li]Drayton, N. Dak. [/li][/ul] Catch and Release The Red River and several of its tributaries possess a high quality fishery. Channel catfish, northern pike, sauger, walleye, smallmouth bass, and carp are present, many of them trophy size. Muskies are present in low numbers, but large fish have been sampled in recent years. Anglers are encouraged to release medium-to-large fish of all species to maintain the high quality fishery. Almost all fish correctly played, landed, and released will survive. Studies by natural resources agencies have shown survival rates of between 70-100 percent for released fish. To ensure that the fish you release survive, follow these simple guidelines: [ol] [li]Use barbless hooks, [li]Set the hook quickly, [li]Play the fish quickly, [li]Hold the fish firmly, but gently while removing the hook, [li]Use a needle nose pliers to remove the hooks, [li]Cut the line if the fish is throat-hooked, and, [li]Gently slide the fish into the water. [/li][/ol] For more information on catch and release, ask for a copy of An Angler's Guide to Catch and Release from a Minnesota DNR fisheries office. Fishes of the Red River The Red River is home to a diverse, quality fish community. Researchers have identified more than 50 species. Channel Catfish Channel catfish are the most common game fish within the Red River and its tributaries. They are slow growing and do not attain 30 inches in length until they are teenagers. Some channel catfish have been aged at 24 years old, and they can grow to more than 30 pounds. Natural reproduction is adequate to sustain a world class fishery. Because catfish are at the northern extent of their range, sexual development requires a huge investment in energy. To compensate for this high-energy demand, some Red River catfish do not spawn every year. Channel catfish average size increase as one moves downstream. The Red River tagging study showed that most catfish movement is localized, although some fish travel large distances (up to 300 miles). Low-head dams on the river inhibit fish movement, but some tagged catfish were able to move around dams during high-flow periods. Catfish utilize Red River tributary streams for spawning, nursery, and adult life stages. Muskellunge Reports of anglers catching muskies on the Red River are becoming more common. A large muskie was reportedly caught in 1993, while two smaller fish were reportedly caught in September, 1994. The Minnesota DNR, Section of Fisheries, sampled two muskies during a 1995 population assessment. The two robust fish were approximately 20 lbs. and 28 lbs. Please report muskie catches to a local fisheries office, along with a photo if possible. Muskies spawn when the water temperature reaches 48-59 degrees, about two weeks after northern pike. They usually spawn a second time about 14 days following the first spawn. The eggs of a muskie are not adhesive as are those of northern pike. Muskie eggs settle to the bottom and hatch in about 20 days. The diet of a muskie is similar to that of that of the northern pike. Northern pike Northern pike are common throughout the Red River watershed. Specimens as large as 45 inches were sampled during the 1995 assessment netting. There are several strong year classes of northern pike in the population now. Anglers can expect good fishing for them in years to come. Northern pike spawn as soon as tributaries are free of ice (33-45 degrees). They spawn in wetlands and flooded vegetation within the floodplain. Northern pike will move up watersheds until they encounter a barrier. It is not uncommon to hear of them being stranded in ditches and fields after moving up through farm tile. The female randomly deposits her sticky eggs on submerged vegetation. Northern pike eggs hatch in about two weeks. The fry feed on plankton and then invertebrates but soon switch to a diet of fish. They grow to a length of 8-12 inches during their first year and live 10-12 years, often exceeding 20 pounds. Pike feed on a variety of fish species. Smallmouth bass Smallmouth bass exceeding four pounds are present in the upstream areas of the Red River from Breckenridge-Wahpeton to Grand Forks. They are abundant in the lower reaches of the Red Lake River downstream from Thief River Falls, Minn. (the smallmouth bass fishing is really good[cool]) Smallmouth bass were introduced to the Red Lake River in the early 1980s to provide a game fish for the high quality rock-riffle areas between Thief River Falls and East Grand Forks. Today, there is a self-sustaining population. Smallmouth bass continue to expand their range within the Red River. They are also present in the Otter Tail River between Schmidt's bridge and Orwell Dam near Fergus Falls, Minn. Smallmouth bass spawn in late May to late June. The male builds a nest for the female to deposit her eggs and defends the nest and young until they are able to feed on their own. Best year classes are produced during years of moderate to low flow. Smallmouth bass feed on insects, fish, frogs and crayfish. Fresh-water drum (sheepshead, croaker, thunder-pumper) Fresh-water drum are common in the main stem of the Red River and the lower reaches of the larger tributaries. Downstream reaches possess the largest individuals. The drum has a special set of muscles it vibrates against its swim bladder to produce a loud drumming or croaking sound for which they are named. Drum are bottom feeders. They eat insects, small fish, crayfish, and small clams. Drum spawn in early-to-late June. Spawning occurs in open water, and the eggs are broadcast over the stream bottom. Croaking or drumming can be heard with regularity during the spawn. Sauger Sauger are abundant in the lower reaches of the Red River downstream from Grand Forks. They grow to lengths of about 16 inches in the Red River. Sauger spawn in mid-to-late May over clean gravel substrate. Recruitment is stable in the Red River, with many year classes present. They feed on minnows, insects, and crayfish. Sauger are excellent eating. Bullheads Black and brown bullheads are common within the watershed. Brown bullheads inhabit areas with better water quality than do black bullheads. Bullheads build a nest to spawn in, and the male defends it from intruders. Spawning usually takes place during May and June. Bullheads are omnivores, eating any food item. Their diet may include worms, minnows, snails, clams, frogs, crayfish, and even vegetation on occasion. Bullheads are easy to catch and tasty to eat, usually as a smoked fish. Walleye Walleye are common throughout the Red River and its larger tributaries. Fish as large as 12-13 pounds are caught each year. Walleye spawn in late April to mid May over clean gravel and rock, or over clam beds The female randomly deposits her sticky eggs on the gravel and rock. Eggs hatch in about three weeks. Red River walleye grow fast, and recruitment into the population is stable, with many year classes present. Walleye feed on fish, worms, insects, and crayfish. Walleye are excellent eating. Goldeye and mooneye Goldeye and mooneye are common in the Red River and the lower reaches of its larger tributaries. Goldeye are abundant in the downstream reaches of the Red River, while mooneye are more abundant in the upstream reaches. Goldeye and mooneye spawn in June, broadcasting their eggs along the bottom. They feed on a variety of insects, small fish, crayfish, and small clams. Goldeye and mooneye are a very important forage for large predator fish such as channel catfish, walleye, and northern pike. Anglers catch goldeye and mooneye for bait or to eat, usually smoked. Carp Carp are common in the Red River and downstream from major fish barriers on its tributaries. Carp spawn in early May through late June, broadcasting their eggs over flooded vegetation. Carp are exceptional fighters and good table fare. Anglers from Europe and Australia come to Manitoba waters of the Red River to fish this untapped resource. Lake sturgeon Lake sturgeon were common in the Red River and several of its tributary streams in the early 1900s. They have been caught from headwater streams such as the Roseau, Red Lake, Wild Rice, Cheyenne, Pelican, and Otter Tail rivers. As the Red River Valley was settled and developed and rivers were dammed and polluted, sturgeon numbers declined. Today, there may be only a few remnant individuals in the Red River system. Two fish were reportedly caught during 1994, but there have been no documented reports of sturgeon from the Red River or its tributaries in recent years. There is no open angling season for lake sturgeon on the Red River. Manitoba, Minnesota, and North Dakota are developing a joint management plan to increase the number of lake sturgeon in the Red River. You can help this effort by reporting historic and present day observations of lake sturgeon. [signature]