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2018 Catfish contest kentofnsl
It is a start, but hopefully, gets replaced many times over. 27 1/2"
Utah Lake
May 8th

[#00bf00]Wow Kent, that's a great start... One of the best for the year from team south... Wish I could give you 28, but it's just a tad bit short of that so 27.5 points as requested.. Nice job and one of the top ten for team south... Later J[/#00bf00]
Kent, where did you get that neat measuring device? That would sure make it easier to use when I'm not on my boat where my bump board is.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I purchased it from Cabela's. I then took a permanent marker and highlighted the inch and 1/2 inch lines so that they show up.

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