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Rio App - Printable Version

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Rio App - Dryrod - 10-26-2014

[#008000]There is an App for Smart Phones called "Rio". This is a neat programs that helps one in picking the right fly line for their rod and conditions of fishing. Just type "Rio" into your Play Store search engine.[/#008000]

Re: [Dryrod] Rio App - macfly55 - 10-29-2014

Hey migo'

great heads up on this... dont normally think of FF'ing as an app other than a game.. :-)

Re: [macfly55] Rio App - Dryrod - 10-29-2014

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff8000]Hi there Amigo,[/#ff8000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff8000]There are a number of apps available for fishermen, women. There is one on fly tying, fishing knots, fly fishing patterns etc. Don't know what's available at the Apple store, as these apps and more I've downloaded to my android O/S system on my Galaxy S5.[/#ff8000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff8000]Have a Happy Pumpkin Day. LOL[/#ff8000][/font]

Re: [Dryrod] Rio App - macfly55 - 11-20-2014

You too 'migo.... hope you and the Mrs have a great day celebrating... :-) [fishin]

Re: [Dryrod] Rio App - cromwell - 02-12-2015

That's interesting, thanks. I use Spyglass for navigating and marking my fishing places, but this app also sounds good! Smile

Re: [cromwell] Rio App - Dryrod - 02-12-2015

[center][#005000]Nice to have you on board Cromwell. [/#005000][/center]
[center][#005000]Where do you like to fish?[/#005000][/center]