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California Fish and Game Commission Votes Against Pursuing Striped Bass Proposal - Printable Version

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California Fish and Game Commission Votes Against Pursuing Striped Bass Proposal - FishNews - 02-04-2012

The California Fish and Game Commission today took final action to reject proposed changes to striped bass regulations.

In a unanimous decision, Commissioners voted not to pursue a proposal that would have changed sport fishing regulations related to anadromous striped bass, including increasing bag limits and decreasing size limits.

The proposal that was introduced by the Department of Fish and Game arose out of a settlement agreement resulting from a 2008 lawsuit. In that lawsuit, the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta, a group of San Joaquin Valley water districts, asserted that striped bass are harming native species, including endangered salmon and Delta smelt.

Media Contact

Jordan Traverso, DFG Communications, (916) 654-9937